Bible Verse of the Day

2 Peter 1:5-8

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Walk the Talk

I often write about being aware of the thoughts we allow to occupy our mind, taking negative thoughts captive and looking for the positive, godly things on which to ponder. Our thoughts lead the way for our attitudes and the attitudes beget our actions. This morning I am trying to live what I preach in my efforts to write the blog.

Here's my dilemma…it's not so much that I have negative thoughts flying around inside my head but a barrage of random disconnected thoughts. Apparently I am so set in my ways (not a good thing) that I am unable to function in all but the most basic of tasks while the kaleidoscope of thoughts swirl and twirl in my mind. Egad!

I wrote the other day of distraction when trying to write. We have family visiting and I love it…most of the time. I caught myself feeling irritated that I cannot follow my set writing schedule. My head wants to get into the storyline I am finishing for a book but my hands are working on the next meal preparations, my personal Martha mode! Characters interacting and potato peeling happening vie for my attention. I just shed my blue jeans because it felt like a spider crawling up my leg. I was not so concerned about the spider but the crawling tickled my leg and distracted me. No spider found except the one that overnight made a lovely web between a large floral arrangement in front of my desk and the stack of goods gathered for the garage sale to raise funds for the mission trip next January. The taunting calendar covered in upcoming events this month is hanging next to me, just inside my peripheral vision. Down the hall, our three beloved dogs are starting to whimper and do the "Get me out of this cage" dance. Is it any wonder my thoughts are scattered and disjointed this morning?

So, let's break this down and dig for the 'positive' in the distractions listed above.

1. First, I made the decision not to even try to work on the book while guest were here long before they arrived so I do not know why those characters keep popping in but I choose to believe it is because (for now) we are one.

2. I am very thankful I have food to feed my guest. Guest without food to feed them makes for a lousy visit.

3. Family visiting – grandkids I do not get to see often enough and an interesting cousin with years to catch up on; I wanted to focus on time with them. Hugs & snuggles..yippie!

4. No spider in the jeans but the tickling sensation is still there. (Hmm..) Still, I have feelings in my legs; some people do not.

5. I do not have issues about spiders; they eat other insects I might have issues with so I try to leave them alone when possible. This spider faces relocation where it can build another web that is not between the printer and me.

6. I will happily live with 'stuff' stacking up to help raise funds for a mission trip any day!

7. My calendar helps me remember how blessed I am to have friends and family with birthdays to celebrate and ministry events to attend for serving Jesus!

8. My dogs give me so much unconditional love I would be quite remiss if I allowed ill feelings to linger over stopping to care for their needs. Lap full of canine kids makes it all worthwhile.

Yep, I am one blessed woman! I lead a full, busy life with people and critters that love me. Tomorrow I take G-daughter #2 home, visit two other G-kids on my way to pick up another three coming back with me. Friday, my Honey and three G-kids head off to church camp while G-daughter #1 and I spend some quality time together. Pups will need attention, garden will have weeds to pull, meals will be prepared, prayers said, and Bible read. The blog may or may not be written. The character in the book will live in limbo until I return to them. If they pop into my thoughts, I will listen to them, maybe make a few notes, but keep them in perspective as I enjoy the blessing that is my life with family in the house.

Thoughts…attitudes…actions. Putting my scattered thoughts in writing helped sort them; looking for the 'positive' keeps them in perspective. My attitude is better and my actions reflect a more calm and pro-active me. Thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your blog - stopped for a break and waiting for the casserole I made and froze last week to get hot, so we can eat. Steve is up from his sleep - after supper we'll go walking. I want to get back to my project in the den but do remember I am married and Steve deserves some of my time. thanks for the reminder of what is important, Nancy