Bible Verse of the Day

2 Peter 1:5-8

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We Believe in Miracles

Miracles happen all around us every day. God is still in the miracle business regardless of those that think they ended with the last Chapter of the Bible. There are those that do not believe in what they can not see; must be sad to be one of those people. We do not see oxygen either but we count on it being there….that’s how I feel about the miracles God is doing all the time. We had a miracle in our family just last week.

Daughter # 2 had called with upsetting news our grandson #1 had gotten from the eye doctor. He merely went in to get a new prescription for contacts. Then his eyes started doing strange things, working independently of one another and he was seeing double. This doctor started telling them he would need test for neurological diseases and to find out if he had a tumor behind his eye. Telling a 16 year old kid looking forward to getting his driver’s licenses that he can’t drive is upsetting news to him. A mother hearing ‘neurological disease’ and ‘tumor’ was too!

She called to tell Papa John and me about it. We were at the dinner table when she called and Papa John could tell from my side of the conversation that one of our kids was in trouble. He quietly asked, “Which one of my grandsons is having trouble with his eyes?” Then he started praying right then and there. When the call ended I joined him in prayer. We believe in miracles.

Later that evening I ‘talked’ to our grandson #1 via an online social network. I asked if his eyes were doing any better. He said every thing had cleared up, his eyes were working together and the double vision had gone away! I told him we had covered him so deep in prayer there was no way the eye problem could live. He said he did not doubt it for a moment!

Telling my friend, Helen, the next day about our G-son, she reminded me that I had been in prayer all the day before asking for a miracle. When we heard about our boy’s problem I had forgotten I had been praying for a miracle about something else. God sent a much better miracle than what I had been asking for in the first place. I told my G-son that God answered my prayer in a much more important and significant way than I could have imagined. Isn’t that just like God?! What an important lesson for a teen to see when God does a miracle in his own life like that! What a testimony!

Miracles today? Oh, yes! They are all around us. Oh, by the way….the miracle I had been praying for in the first place….well, that whole issue just dissolved like snow in south Texas. God is faithful. Give Him praise!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Will You Love Jesus More?

One of my all time favorite Christian songs is ‘Will You Love Jesus More?” by Phillips, Craig & Dean. I remember well the moment I first hear the song. I was driving in Austin, Texas and put in a tape my friend, Donna, had loaned me. It was an awesome album but this song cut to my soul and wrote its message on my heart as surely as if by God’s finger itself. It remains the cry of my heart to this day.

The chorus asks the questions...

Will you love Jesus more
When we go our different ways
When this moment is a memory
Will you remember His face
Will you look back and realize
You sensed His love more than you did before
I'd pray for nothing less
Than for you to love Jesus more

If we are to leave any kind of legacy or inheritance to our children and their children, this should be the one we pray for the most! My Honey has a heart’s desire to leave an inheritance to our familial generations, what better than the love for Jesus?! Money and properties will come and go and it only takes a few unwise decisions in care and maintenance to cause them to disappear. But loving Jesus is an eternal gift that never fades or runs out or is moved by the economy or political party in power. To pass that on is an inheritance and legacy above all else. I can say in confidence that it was my grandfather on one side and my grandmother on the other that were my childhood influences when it came to loving and seeking the Lord. My memories of her reading her Bible every night and of him preaching in tents in the sweltering summer heat are memories I cherish. Words from the song address this, too….

I'd like to keep these memories
In frames of gold and silver
And reminisce a year from now
About the smiles we've shared
But above all else I hope you will come
To know the Father's love
When you see the Lord face to face

You'll hear Him say "well done"

The calling of a Christian missionary still burns hot in my heart and spirit. I believe that is a calling God gave us all when Jesus said to take the gospel to all people. We start in our homes and with those in our lives but this is a legacy and inheritance we can share with everyone! There is no limit of supply; it is multiplied every time someone starts to love Jesus. There is no such thing as too many people to love! Jesus provides the legacy and inheritance….our part is to share the abundance.

As the closing words of this, my favorite song says:

I'd pray for nothing less
Than for you to love Jesus more!

Monday, March 29, 2010

What Sermon do you Send?

People would rather see a sermon than hear one; powerful meaning behind those few words. We’ve all heard it said that your actions speak louder than words AND scripture tells us that out of the mouth, the abundance of the heart speaks. In plain simple words…Listen long enough to someone and their true self will be revealed by the words they speak. Together, well, it can be like the old One-Two punch. However, no one can walk in victory while they speak defeat.

Our talk and our walk must line up with the Word of God. Any one that has spent time reading scripture can repeat the essence of them to you but the words ring hollow when their actions are shouting out another message. Mixed signals confuse. People absorb and take on that with which they live. Consider the poem below, while it talks of children learning it is also talking of the lives being walked out in front of them.

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

In Philippians 4:7-9 (NIV) we read: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Notice the scripture tells us to think about the good, pure, noble, praiseworthy…..and to “put it into practice” in our own lives. It’s basically telling us to put our words into action…walk out our talk and thoughts. We can not sit by passively and expect our thoughts and actions to take care of themselves. We must ‘purpose’ to monitor what we think about, what we feed our hearts. Leading a double life with one foot in the Bible and the other in the world is a sure way to scream out mixed signals. The Bible does not say we are defeated, our words should not either! The Bible says we are victorious in Christ, our actions should say the same. The same One-Two punch I mentioned before. Our thoughts give life to our words and our actions play out what is in our hearts which is fed by our thoughts! It can be a circle of life or a circle of dysfunction and defeat. We can be a walking talking sermon or a walking talking disaster looking for a place to happen!

Stand guard diligently, Friends, over your heart, thoughts and actions… never know who will be watching the sermon you are presenting.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Waiting of the Lord

For a writer having writer’s block is a frustrating and bewildering thing. You sit with all the words and thoughts and concepts mulling around inside you yet they do not line up to make interesting reading much less make any sense to someone not peering inside your head. Sometimes you sit with fingers on the keyboard and your mind goes completely blank…nothing, nada, zilch.

Another area of thwarted creativity for THIS writer is when I feel God has given me a topic to write on and I can not put it down, nothing clicks. On Wednesday I felt the Lord was telling me to write on a specific topic. It seemed to come out of the blue like they sometimes do, remember ‘clarified butter’? I researched, read, prayed; I sat still longing for direction….then I did it all over again….repeatedly. Not wanting to do an injustice to His subject, I decided to wait until He gave me step 2. Thursday came and went with no further direction. I’m still waiting. So, until I know what it is He wants to say regarding this mysterious and elusive topic….I will write about something else.

This is the something else!

A Few of the Things I’ve Learned Waiting on the Lord

  1. He can out wait me! My timing has nothing to do with His timing and His timing is always going to trump me and mine.
  2. Another lesson I learned was that until He sees me stepping out with my foot in the air to take the next step, He won’t show me where my foot is to land. Step 2 ALWAYS comes after action in faith on my part.
  3. My frustration in waiting does not intimidate Him. It only makes me nuts.
  4. He is in action even if I can’t see it.
  5. His solution, direction, answers are always better than what I had in mind in the first place.

My dear friend, Cheryl, has been known to say, “You can steer a moving car better than a stopped one.” I’m sure that is paraphrased somewhat but you get the point.

I wonder if we appear to God like our puppy does to us. We tell him something to do or call him and he looks at us like he sees our lips moving but doesn’t hear a word. He cocks his head and looks all innocent then goes ahead doing what he wanted in the first place. The only time the puppy and his siblings are completely obedient is at bedtime when they know a treat is forthcoming. They dash to the kennels in great delight and enthusiasm. My Honey and I always look at each other as proud parents do when their kid is going something wonderful.

Are we the same with God, only dashing about in obedience when we think a treat or something we want is the end result? The desire to write about God and His ‘stuff’ is my heart’s desire, not because I think some great reward will come my way but because I know I could not string three words together without the gifts He gave me in the first place. I obey because I love Him and want to do whatever He asks of me. For now, I think I’m getting another lesson in waiting. This is me…actively waiting……..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I had a ‘light bulb’ moment this morning I’d like to share. In preparation for a regular check-up with my cardiologist I was updating my info sheet. This is a form I created to help me remember any and everything I wanted to share with the doctor. I have a form for each of my Doctors on the computer in My Documents. When something comes up regarding my health, I make note on the appropriate doctor’s form while I’m thinking of it. We’ve all known the frustration of leaving a Dr visit and then remembering a question you wanted to ask or an issue you forgot to discuss. I know my limitations - so I write them down as they pop up. By the way, all my doctors love these sheets; it’s comprehensive and they do not have to go digging thru my file to refresh their memories. I save the document after up-dating and this saves time when I use it next. This is what it looks like:

Questions and Note for Dr. _______________ date of appt

Symptoms since last visit: List any or all symptoms as they pop up. Let the Doc decide if it was important or not, that’s why we pay them. The ortho doctor for my knee problem inadvertently helped discover a dangerous heart issue! Write it all down as it comes up.

Notes: This is where I list other physical issues currently in play: diabetes, etc and my questions as they come to mind.

Medicines: List of all my meds, dosages and when I take them. It is easy access to complete medication info in case of emergency, too, just print it & go!

Changes in Lifestyle since last visit: Good or bad, any changes go here

Dietary Habits already in place: List all again…good or bad

Healthy habits in place: Good habits I’ve managed to make part of my daily life

Changes needed as I see it: These are things I KNOW I need to do but have not completely incorporated into my daily life… least the Dr knows I think about them.

As I mentioned, my doctors love these forms, visits go more smoothly and I know I have covered everything I wanted to address. I take two copies, one for the Doctor, one for me; we are looking at the same thing and I use the back of mine to write down instructions and info I want to remember.

This is the light bulb moment…..if I can methodically look at and evaluate this medical information doesn’t it make sense to do a routine spiritual check-up to bring awareness to my personal spiritual issues that need attention? I like to think I have a fairly good grasp on where I stand but the act of writing it down brings clarity and accountability to the overall picture. No one stands over me to make sure I read the Bible or pray (good habits) nor does anyone point out when my routines are suffering from neglect. A quick self review would help keep me stay on track and catch a questionable routine before it becomes a bad habit. Rather like preventive medicine for my spiritual well being. As I mentioned in the first paragraph…I know my limitations. If creating a quick system of checks and balances to monitor myself can bring a fresh awareness and dedication in staying on track, then I’m all for it. Maybe you do not need to self-monitor but my flesh is very human, my attention can easily be diverted by all the noise of the world, my time can be squandered in other pursuits and my habits – spiritual or otherwise - can get sloppy when my flesh/attention/time is being demanded. I know my limitations.

God will faithfully do His part…I want to always be open to better ways to do mine!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Perfect Peace

I’m getting a late start in writing the blog this morning. I was up early, had my quiet prayer and Bible reading time and yet, my spirit seemed unsettled. Only one remedy for that…sing praise and worship to the Lord! I started out on the deck in the dark. Prayer and softly sung love songs from me to Him the path to perfect peace. Because I trust in Him, give Him all the glory and worship. It is amazing how this moves you to another level of spiritual peace!

I came back in feeling calm and peaceful but not ready or willing to leave that place. I put one of my favorite worship CDs in the computer and got down to some serious love songs of worship. Neither a CD nor music is required for songs of worship; they come from the heart, soul and spirit.

There is a worship song with simple words that say it all…….

Thou shall keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.

Thou shall keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.

Because he trusted in Thee, oh Lord, his mind is stayed on Thee.

Because he trusted in Thee, oh Lord, his mind is stayed on Thee.

That’s the entire song, as written above. It is simple yet complex with harmony. But, really, when we trust in Him He does keep us in peace. It is when we let the chaos of life jump in and take over that we lose that perfect peace.

One of the Bibles I read and reference is The Complete Jewish Bible. It is written with the original Jewish ‘flavor’. Let’s not forget, Scripture was written by Jews for Jews originally and when the Jewish-ness is taken out and handed down to be rewritten again in modern languages, a lot of the original Jewish context is lost. In other Bibles where the word ‘faith’ is used, this Bible uses the word ‘trust’. It seems to me that faith comes as the result of trusting. Scripture more often uses the faith as a noun….’by faith…” “have faith..” Yet trust is more of a verb…an action taken. In the King James Bible the word ‘trust’ is used 188 times. In the NIV, 164 times. Most of the time it is used as a verb….an action word.

Hebrews 11 is an excellent chapter to read about those that stepped out in faith and followed the direction from God. Could they have had faith without first trusting? Hebrews 11 starts out saying in verse 1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. This leads me to believe that we cannot have faith without trusting or trust without faith in the results God provides. We must make a concerted action of first trusting and the faith will follow.

I pray that little song above become our love song of trust, faith and peace: “Because I trusted in Thee, oh Lord, Thou keep me in perfect peace, my mind is stayed on Thee.”

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Torn Between Two Loves

I love mornings; it is my favorite time of day. I do not understand why some people stay up late and miss the mornings. Everything is all fresh and new in the mornings this time of year. New baby leaves on the trees, the Dayflowers that grow wild in my yard and the mornings just seem more alive. My blog is named Truth in the Morning for a couple of reasons. First, it is an extension of the ministry my Honey and I started when we married named Truth in Love Ministries. Secondly, mornings are my best writing time. So, I am following the leading of the Lord by writing for Him…in the morning!

This is where my conflict begins. Mornings are my best writing time and it happens to be the only time I can get out in the garden that demands constant attention this time of year. I am torn between two loves and struggle to divide my time. The sun and I are no longer best buddies and I am very limited in the amount of time I can spend in it. This required early morning garden maintenance….my dedicated writing time. It is the dedicated writing time because it is my best brain time. I learned of myself a long time ago that anything requiring concentrated brain work was best done in the mornings. Afternoons, around two-ish, it starts sliding into neutral. When I worked in the corporate world years ago I left tasks like going through the mail and other less challenging To-Do’s for afternoon work. This would be a perfect brain time for weeding if I could be in the sun….pooh! To this day I do not like to discuss anything of importance in the evenings because I know I’m not functioning on all cylinders.

I think my writing concentration of late has been easily disturbed because of my torn desires to write vs. gardening. This may seem like a fairly benign issue in your world but it is a biggie in mine.

Where it becomes a biggie in all our lives is when we are torn between walking out our faith walk and skipping over into the flesh world from time to time. When we say we believe Jesus will carry our burdens and we expend energy, time and emotion in worrying over them, we are being double minded. We are all guilty of this from time to time. Basically, we are torn between two loves…trusting Jesus and wanting control over our lives. Contrary to how we act sometimes, the Lord does not need our help and our attempts to ‘work something out’ are really doubt in disguise. This is far more dangerous than my writing/gardening struggle and it is even more common. Scripture warns against such thinking in James 1:2-8:

2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, 8 being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

I have been guilty of such double mindedness and strive to eliminate that thinking from my life. I’m not always successful but I always ask for forgiveness when I fall and push on knowing I can do nothing on my own. Seriously, when I truly give all over to the Lord, His yoke is light and my burdens are lifted from my shoulders. How ridiculous to repeatedly pick burdens up from the foot of the cross! If I am to be torn between two loves I want it to only be my writing and garden time……

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Due North

I may have to close the curtains in my office and the front door because my mind is constantly being yanked out of concentration and out to the glorious day. From my desk I look south to see the backyard where my beloved veggie garden lives. There are birds everywhere! It looks like hundreds of little birds hopping all over the dewy grass, dancing on the fence around the back porch, zipping and chattering as they go. Nikos and Chelsie, two of our four-legged “kids” dash by romping with early morning energy. Out the front door my view is to the north; to the hills in the distance which seem alive and beckoning me to the deck. The low rumbling of a train draws near in the valley as it sounds its lonesome whistle. No roads and cross traffic out here in the country, must be animals on the tracks. Yes, indeed, it is hard to focus on writing this morning. But I write with a purpose!

I was asked recently if there was some sort of system I use in deciding what to write or if it was random. I’ve mentioned many times in the postings that I wait for God to give me what He wants me to share each morning. If I do not get that godly direction, I say at the beginning of the post that the message was just from me. Since my marching orders from God were to use the life lessons He shows me to share with others, I will always follow that direction. It may sound odd to some but God really does give me the subject He wants to share, that’s His part. My part is to be sensitive to receiving the direction and using the gift of writing with which He blessed me to reach other people that may need to hear it, too.

This is how today’s subject was delivered to me: I was still asleep, having a dream about being at a busy travel station, rather like Bucky’s. There were people and cars everywhere and many had their hoods open, some working on their engines; others pumping gas and many just waiting their turn. I was trying to find a parking place and finally pulled into a tiny space at the far side of the lot. I noticed a man walking from car to car talking to people. He approached me and the man in the truck beside me. He looked frustrated and desperate. With anxiety in his voice said he was lost and could not find anyone to tell him how to get to his destination. The man in the truck said he needed to go north and pointed in that general direction. The weary lost man turned with apprehension toward where the truck guy was pointing . I heard a voice say, “Tell him to go due north, the One True North, and follow the Compass. Write about this.”

The Bible tells us in Joel 2:28-29: It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. I believe that God can use dreams as one of the many ways to communicate with me, His servant.

Jesus is our One True North, our Compass to follow. In the dream the lost man wandered from person to person asking direction and did not find his way. Many lost people look to other people for guidance. Can the lost lead the lost? Only if they want to stay lost! Can the blind lead the blind? Without Jesus, our compass, we blindly go to and fro without purpose, without finding the way. I’ve never fancied myself to be one that interprets dreams but this one seemed fairly straight forward to me. People with their hoods up, some working on their engines could easily be seen as lives that are not working; troubles and problems keeping them in a stagnant place. Those pumping gas might be seen as people seeking power and energy to continue on in life. The power and fuel for a productive life comes from God alone. Out of all the people at the station only the one man was asking for direction, all others were busy going about their business, trying to resolve their own issues. That’s a fairly accurate description of people today, is it not? So many scurrying about like ants with their heads down, focused on their own problems and lives. Not many have the courage to admit they are perfectly lost and need help.

I was once one of those people. I know about peddling as fast as you can and getting nowhere fast. I know all about broken down engines of life that have neither power nor energy to continue on. I know what it is to wander from person to person hoping they will have the answer you are looking to find, show you the way to go. I also know all about finding my One True North, my Compass, and my Jesus. My path is clear, the road is straight, my energy renewed, my power His, and I walk with my head up sharing my Compass with any and everyone that will listen or asks. Due North, Folks, Due North!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Look for the Label

Last night I had a hard time going to bed at a decent hour because a thunderstorm was moving across the horizon and I did not want to miss any of it. The horizon, from our deck vantage point this time of year is a 180* view, so that is a lot of territory to watch a storm cover. It was awesome. I had the big front door open so I could see out the storm door and the flashes of lightening against the dark sky thrill me. You can’t see the clouds in the darkness until the flash of lightening gives you a peek. It was not the most magnificent of lightening storms but it was enough to keep me hanging on in hopes of another curtain call. We’ve seen some whopper storms over the years. Last night was not even a Whopper Jr. but I was still too excited to go to bed.

The power surge of lightening fascinates me. I see it as a sneak preview of the majesty and power we will witness in heaven. God’s power is more magnificent than any storm we will see here but for an instant, we get a visual, a crumb off the power table of the All Mighty. It may be no more than a drop in the ocean of power but I consider it a privilege to observe it.

This morning the sky is painted with a variety of cloud types and colors. Over the years I had the chance to take photos of the sky and my favorites are always ones that have complex cloud activity. Fluffy white clouds are great for lying on your back and picking out animal shapes as a kid but give me the dramatic clouds every time! If you’ve never watched a storm come in over water, you’ve missed out! Growing up on the coast, I’ve lived through a few hurricanes, too. You don’t really get to see much of those through boarded up windows but you certainly get the sound effects loud and clear!! Going outside in the eye of the storm gives you an up close and personal view of nothing but clouds surrounding you as if you were in the middle of a giant smoke ring. Constantly moving and swirling, menacing clouds that seems to go on forever. Anyone doubting the power there….well, shame on them for being so obtuse.

We Christians can get caught up thinking on and preaching the mercy, grace and loving-kindness of God. These are all good things, of course. These are not the only qualities of God. It’s easy to say, “Yes, yes, God is all powerful” but do we ever really give that any contemplation? We know He heals, we know He provides for our needs, forgives, teaches, etc but do we spend enough time contemplating the power behind all those acts? I think we as a people have gotten to such a place of complacency and expectation that we do not recognize or even give thought to the power from which it all comes. To me this is a dangerous state to live in; rather like a newborn one ounce panda that crawls all over its giant mother, knowing she is needed and important but not having a clue to the size, magnitude and power that provides life itself. Blind and naked it squeals in times of fear and need….so do we.

I know there are those out there that think it foolish that I look for God in all things, all experiences but to me it feels authentic and purposed to look for the hand of God in everything that touches my world. What is out there that was not either created or orchestrated by God? Nothing! Some people make certain to have clothing or stuff with designer labels yet give no thought to the greatest designer off all time. Me, I am just thankful to and for The One who provides for me. His label is on everything! Look around, you’ll see Him everywhere, too, if you just look! It doesn’t take a bolt of lightening to see His power but they sure are exciting reminders.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Willing Clay

Change my heart, oh God, make it ever true. Change my heart, oh God, may I be like you. You are the Potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me, this is what I pray. Change my heart, oh God. Make it ever true. Change my heart, oh God, may I be like you.

Those words roll through my head this morning. These words pour from my lips as I sing them to the Lord. I thought I was to write about another subject but God obviously had other plans for me. So often is that the case. The words above are from a beautiful worship song. The first time I heard this song I stood unashamed with hands raised to my God in worship and tears streaming down my face. It touches my to this day and I pray it never ceases to bring my heart willingly to that tender place where God molds me as He sees fit.

Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.

Jeremiah 18:3-4 Then I went down to the potter's house, and there he was, making something on the wheel. But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to make.

Psalms 40 says it all and says it well……..I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the LORD. How blessed is the man who has made the LORD his trust, And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood. Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count. Sacrifice and meal offering You have not desired; My ears You have opened; Burnt offering and sin offering You have not required. Then I said, "Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart." I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great congregation; Behold, I will not restrain my lips, O LORD, You know. I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have spoken of Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth from the great congregation. You, O LORD, will not withhold Your compassion from me; Your lovingkindness and Your truth will continually preserve me. For evils beyond number have surrounded me; My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to see; They are more numerous than the hairs of my head, And my heart has failed me. Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me; Make haste, O LORD, to help me. Let those be ashamed and humiliated together Who seek my life to destroy it; Let those be turned back and dishonored Who delight in my hurt. Let those be appalled because of their shame Who say to me, "Aha, aha!" Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; Let those who love Your salvation say continually,"The LORD be magnified!" Since I am afflicted and needy, Let the Lord be mindful of me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thankful All Day Every Day

Last night watching TV while waiting to feel drowsy enough to lie down I had a sudden realization…I was smiling. This sounds common enough but I wasn’t watching a comedy or talking to someone entertaining; I was just sitting alone in the room with Honey and hounds tucked in bed and found myself smiling. I wondered what all that was about but only after I said a quick prayer of thanks for it regardless of why. Then it hit me…..I say a lot pf prayers of thanks every day. That’s the key.

Our home is a humble abode and we are always waiting to finish one project or ten others but we are thankful for it. We live a very modest lifestyle without most of the ‘toys’ grown-ups tend to think they need to have, yet we are content and thankful for our life together. There are health issues to deal with but they do not consume our time or dictate our day to day life. Once and a while, I physically can not do what I want but I use the down time in other ways. Stress does raise its ugly head but we recognize it and try to eliminate it. Money…yes, we could use more but we always eat and have a roof over our heads and never once has my Honey gone to work naked. We are blessed and we know it! We do not take those blessings for granted and we are diligent about giving thanks.

I believe it is that thankful attitude that opens our hearts to appreciate the simple things and find joy everywhere we look. For instance, this morning I was out harvesting turnip and mustard greens from my little veggie garden. If you read my stuff you know I love my little garden. I had to come in for something and looking back outside I saw my copper colander filled with the harvested cilantro sitting in the sun, sparkling like a jewel. The glowing copper and vivid bright green of the fresh cilantro moving in the morning breeze warmed my heart! I paid a whopping $2.50 for that copper colander at a thrift store years ago. It gives me joy every time I look at it. It lives on the kitchen island to hold onions, garlic or fresh fruit. Best $2.50 I’ve ever spent! Happiness and joy do not come in proportion to the price tag of things but in the appreciation of and thankfulness for them.

So, in retrospect, smiling as I sat in my cozy living room should not have surprised me. I was surrounded by things I love and appreciate in a peaceful home. Simply surrounding yourself with things is not the key; it is the thankfulness that makes the difference. Giving thanks to God, for any and everything, changes your attitude. The joy comes from God not the things. The joy comes from God not your circumstances. The joy comes from God because of your thankfulness.

Take it from me, one that spent the larger part of my life not living in a peaceful home or surrounded by things for which I constantly gave thanks to God, if it can change for me it can change for you! The peace came after and only after I stopped looking to external objects, people or circumstances to give me happiness. Joy comes from God. Blessings come from God. Peace comes from God. Thanks be to God all the time!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Words - Treasure or Trash

As a reader that loves to write I have an ongoing love affair with words. Our language is just chocked full of words with which to express oneself plainly and succinctly. My Honey tells me Spanish has much more to offer when choosing how to express an idea or concept and sounds much prettier in the process.

Some words and phrases do tickle the ear more than others. I suppose what delights the ear of one may fall like lead to another. For example I refer to the community we live in as our village; the sentimental moniker given by Donovan, our grandson. To me, village sounds more pleasant than subdivision. It conjures up visions of quaint abodes, winding streets, garden gates and people strolling by. Subdivision brings to mind a large piece of paper with lines crisscrossing one another to delineate one plot from another; numbers and straight lines. That’s how it comes across to me anyway. Words and their appeal or lack there of do affect us emotionally whether we realize it at the time or not. Our street name was Valley View (lovely) before the county dictated county roads have number names. Living on Valley View sounds better than living on 4511, does it not?

Regardless of how they sound, our words should ring true every time they leave our mouths. Some people love to play words games; I’m not referring to Scrabble but to toying with words to infer something more pointed and perhaps unkind but said with words just benign enough to claim innocence. Veiled ugliness is still ugliness, People. There are those that use words to pierce another’s emotional jugular vein and walk away feeling powerful and clever for having done so. Flattering words of praise are empty and tinny if not sincere. Yet, when one shares from the heart words of love, concern, appreciation, etc…words can be a healing salve that sooths even the most fevered of us.

The words we use, the tone the words are spoken in or the context in which written combine to reflect the person’s inner self. The Bible says so.

Luke 6:45 (New Living Translation) A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

Our words should be our bond people are able to count on. Once when dealing with someone that did not do as she said she would, I was sad to hear her say, “Well, I didn’t promise.” Sadly, she thought she should not be held accountable unless she promised. This same person, however, would be aghast when you did not believe what she told you at other times. Her word was not reliable and lost all meaning in the process. She said what she thought you wanted to hear at the time of commitment but her words fell to the floor as they came out of her mouth….if she only understood what that said about her heart!

In conclusion let me sum it up…Say what you mean and mean what you say; God knows your heart anyway!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dueling Woodpeckers

Prayer and coffee on the deck this foggy morning started my day. No view of the hills in the distance or even the next one over from me but the serenade of the birds rang through the fog. I woke with a start this morning that left me feeling anxious and burdened. So out to the deck I went where there is nothing between me and God but the sky; my place of refuge, my place of many a prayer.

In a moment of simply standing still to listen for that small quiet voice that comes from the Holy Spirit within, my peaceful meditation was disturbed by two raucous woodpeckers. It seems they were determined to take possession of the same light pole. Perhaps it is a prime landing spot, I do not know, but each of these birds wanted the same one and they wanted it badly! At one point they were both atop the pole but it was clear this was not a workable solution. They made all the threatening noises, flapping wings and jockeying for position. One bird finally acquiesced by stepping down to the wire but complained the whole time. You would think this would end the rivalry but, no, they continued to argue.

There are plenty of power poles and trees, even houses, they could have chosen as their own but battling over this one pole top seemed very important to the woodpeckers; important enough to duel over. From my vantage point high on the deck, I could look out and see all they left unclaimed and it seemed even more ridiculous that they fought over this one pole top when there was so much from which to choose. It was in that moment God showed me how ridiculous it was for me to be anxious and worried when all the blessings and work He has done in my life lay before me as evidence of His love, mercy and grace. Just as the woodpeckers ignored all but the one pole top as their prize I had let one thought consume me, render me locked into a fear based anxiety. He put me in memory of His Word:

Philippians 4:4-9 Rejoice in union with the Lord always! I will say it again: rejoice! Let everyone see how reasonable and gentle you are. The Lord is near! Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your request known to God by prayers and petition, with thanksgiving. Then God’s peace, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ. In conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on virtue or on something praiseworthy. Keep doing what you have learned and received from me, what you have heard and seen me doing; then the God who gives peace will be with you.

I was focused on my own version of the pole top and let it consume me in anxiety. Notice there is specific instructions in that scripture on what to do in order to receive God’s peace. The word then makes it very clear the peace comes after you have done your part. I know this, I try to live this but every once in a while I have a ‘hard-headed woodpecker’ moment and need to be reminded all over again; another Holy Bop. I feel peaceful and thankful now. Much better than that heart racing anxiety that plagued me earlier. God is good and used another life experience to teach me. As I type this, I can hear a chattering woodpecker outside my kitchen window…..better him than me!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Laying the Phantoms to Rest

This weekend I watched a show on PBS regarding tips for being better stewards of energy in your home. ‘Stewards of energy’ being my words, not theirs; but looking for a godly parallel in all things, this is exactly what it is. Almost everything we use in the home runs on energy of some sort be it electrical and manual. This show was very informative and practical. I learned a new phrase…phantom energy. Perhaps ‘phantom energy sappers’ would be more appropriate. The silent, unseen users of energy which contributes to our power bills without thought on our part.

I have long functioned as the self-appointed Electricity Sheriff in our home; this program caught my attention. If there is a way to save money and be a better steward of energy I will thankfully pay attention to learn about it. The phantom energy sappers are every where; we had several in our home! You probably do, too.

If you have a computer system, you most likely have a power strip with multiple plugs stuck in them. The power strip itself is a phantom energy sapper. We like having instant access to everything, thus the power strip is likely to stay on. We merely need turn a switch on a lamp, etc for that instant access. Instant access + power strip = $$. I have a power strip built-in on my kitchen work island. Admittedly, it stayed on more often than not because of the lamp on the island. Walk into my kitchen any night after bedtime and you will have enough little green lights on appliances to guide you like an airport landing strip. I have two ovens and a microwave, so we are a Plus Three in phantom sapper right there alone; throw in the island power strip and my kitchen keeps the electric meter turning 24/7. I can turn off the island strip but the ovens and microwave might require throwing a breaker to turn off; not very practical. I did stop using the clock/auto start function on my coffeemaker. It doesn’t kill me to wait a few minutes and only cost a split second of my time to plug back in.

The difficult part about regulating power strips is that we often have them out of sight because…well, they are unsightly. A little maneuvering can put them within toe reach, if nothing else. Let’s face it; it is far more painful to write out the ever rising light bill than it would be to situate our power strips where they could be turned off. Speaking of which, leaving your computer on all the time, even in hibernation mode, is a phantom energy sapper…, Honey, heads up, you’ll have to turn your power strip back on to use your computer tonight.

Ceiling fans were once a phantom energy sapper in our home. Many times I would find every fan in the house on, some in empty rooms. By empty, I mean no people. Ceiling fans cool people, not rooms. Night lights left on can be sappers. Having kids living here not too long ago we had night lights in their bedrooms and bath. Switched to the light activated ones; those pennies I saved may one day buy you lunch so don’t make fun of pennies saved. Now, I unplug them unless we have guest spending the night. It takes less than one second to plug in or unplug a sapper, hours to earn the money to pay the light bill. Do the math!

We fight other types of phantom energy sappers. Our spiritual energy is vital to our day to day life and yet we are not always very watchful about the things that drain us. Maybe it’s the lack of renewing our spiritual energy that does more harm. Scripture tells us to renew our minds and to guard out hearts daily.

Physical energy phantoms, such as stress, can drain our resources. Some stress sources are in plain sight but it’s the phantom sources that can sneak up on you. My Honey was telling me just yesterday that he realized a work situation was causing him stress and bringing on a headache while he was at home relaxing. It just snuck in while he wasn’t watching. Phantoms are called phantoms for a reason….you don’t see or notice them until it’s too late. Thus the need to be on guard, to diligently watch and monitor what goes on around us.

Here’s a suggestion for these phantoms in our lives. Put on your Energy Sheriff badge and walk around in and outside of your home. Take inventory in every room of potential phantom energy sappers and deal with them accordingly. This short inventory time can add up in savings…maybe then you can take me to lunch. Then, when you’ve satisfied your mind and conservation conscience that you are doing all you can to be a good steward, get down to the nitty-gritty and ask God to help you see where you are allowing spiritual energy sappers to drain you. He can reveal areas you might not think about because you are just used to having them around.

Look out, phantoms; we’re on to you now!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Unscripted Life

Long ago I dated an interesting man…very briefly. This man was intelligent, had many common interests and I found his company pleasant. My children thought he rather looked like a cross between Mr. Rogers and a turtle….hmm. It did not take long to discover he had perceptions regarding personal interactions that were different than my own. Over lunch one work day he expressed feelings of caring for me. Though he expressed himself sweetly, not sharing his level of ‘like’, my reply was unsatisfactory to him. He looked stunned and said. “That’s not what you’re supposed to say.”

Excuse me? What I’m supposed to say? This, friends, was the exact moment of the beginning of the end…

Apparently, he had thought through our conversation beforehand and how it was to play out. He proceeded to tell me what I was supposed to say. Oh, dear…..I wasn’t even close! I told him I had not received a copy of his script and spoke from my heart, not the play he had written. I wasn’t ugly about it but this brought the conversation to an abrupt end. Let’s just say that ½ mile trip from the cafe to my office was very long and quiet that day.

I cannot remember my first conscious thought about scripts you are expected to play but they were early in life. Growing up in a home with an abusive, controlling stepparent, I had first hand experience with roles expected of me. I learned to spot them quickly.

Have you ever carried on an argument or conversation in your head in anticipation of the real conversation? Sure you have. You are writing the script in that moment. You decide you will say, “….” when they say, “…..” and IF they say, “….” instead, THEN you will say, “…” right back at them! If it wasn’t so sadly destructive to relationships it would be ridiculously funny. You are armed and ready with your scripted replies for battle. No allowances made for productive discussion because you already know what they are supposed to say and how you will shoot them down with your loaded, cocked and ready replies! They better just look out because you are armed to blow them out of the water. All the while, you’re feeling very clever about it, too.

The flip side is the scripted less armed discussions, such as the one in the cafe that day. You are expecting certain reactions, displays of affirmation and affection and they never come. You’ve written the script, you know exactly what you will profess at the perfect moment….the perfect moment never materializes and you are left deflated and maybe even with a broken heart. What’s the matter with these people, can’t they see they are messing everything up?! Hurt feelings abound.

The complement that doesn’t come, the acknowledgment due fails to show up, our efforts not recognized, the desired sweet love profession left hanging in the air….these are but a few of the scripted expectations that bring hurt, disappointment and even anger; yet we brought it on ourselves with the scripts we write in our heads and hold others to play out. Most often, the other person is totally unaware you have the script, much less that they are required to read from it. It is a circular dance of destruction.

Equally destructive to productive relationships are those that purposely control and manipulate with a constantly fluid approval system that no one can please or meet the ever changing standard; consequently, these people never dispenses approval regardless of how the other tries. The script here is changing so often you could not read it if you tried and wanted to. These are the people I feel sad for; they are never happy, never let anyone else be happy and are never satisfied. They probably do not realize their script writing is the biggest cause of their lack of satisfaction because they are too busy blaming everyone that doesn’t rise to their constant script changes.

Regardless of the scripts people try to foist on us, we have but one to please and He is the author of peace, love, and acceptance. If we are not feeling any of these then we are reading the wrong material. Next time you bump into a script look to see who the author might be. If it leaves you feeling defeated, deflated, destroyed or destructive…walk away. Refuse the part in the play of scripted life some may attempt to hand you. God made you unique, creative and full of love; those are the only roles we need accept.Live an unscripted life for even a moment and you will know a freedom that has no boundaries; a freedom to be all God created you to be without the stage of a scripted life.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We, the Body

I hope you are familiar with the contemporary Christian song by Casting Crowns titled ‘If We Are the Body’. It is a wonderful, beautiful song that asks a vital question about what we, as the Body of Christ, are doing in His service. The first two verses each deal with a different scenario about a person slipping into the church and feeling judged by those in attendance. The last verse says: 
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ

It is the chorus where we are asked these vital questions:

But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way

Friends, we should never stop asking those questions, they are meant to spur us into action. Warming a pew every Sunday may help feed you spiritually and/or pacify you enough to think your being a good Christian doing your part. I know I’ve stepped up on this soapbox many times but I cannot say it enough that Jesus, Himself, gave us walking orders to move out on His behalf saying:

And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone Mark 16:15 (New Living Translation)

Why aren't His feet going?

Why aren't His words teaching?

For I was hungry and you gave Me no food, I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink, Matthew 25:42 (Amplified)

Why aren't His arms reaching?

I was a stranger and you did not welcome Me and entertain Me, I was naked and you did not clothe Me, I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me with help and ministering care. Matthew 25:43 (Amplified)

Why aren't His arms reaching?

Why aren't His hands healing?

And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least [ in the estimation of men] of these My brethren, you did it for Me. Matthew 25:40 (Amplified)

Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come

And we are the body of Christ

On the flip side, Jesus is also very plain about inaction, lack of service, and simple pew warming:

And He will reply to them, Solemnly I declare to you, in so far as you failed to do it for the least [ in the estimation of men] of these, you failed to do it for Me. Matthew 25:45 .

Why is His love not showing them there is a way?

And we are the body of Christ

There is a way