Isaiah 11:6 - The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the
leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the
fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
This past week we had our grandson, Braden, stayed a couple of
days to visit. It was delightful to have him here. He’s an observant, deep kid
in spite of his total pesky boy times. Can you hear the chorus of “Boys will be
boys”? I can. During that time, I tried to look at my world through his eyes
because he found wonder in the things I took for granted.
He commented one evening that we were good parents to our
dogs. I had trained our little Chihuahuas, Nikos and Pan Dulce, to use the
puppy stairs to get on the couch. All I have to say is ‘stairs’ and they go around
to them and walk up. Braden thought that was awesome.
We keep a blanket or sheet folded up on one end of the
chaise part of our sectional couch for another of our dogs, Chelsie. She has
long beautiful blond hair and our couch is dark denim blue…We allow Chelsie on
the couch, too, but she knows the command ‘blanket’ and stays there for the
most part. She gets sneaky and tries to inch her way to any people sitting on
the couch but goes back with a reminder command. She’s not exactly lap dog
size, though she thinks she is.
None of the dogs are allowed up on the couch unless they are
invited. This lesson has been the hardest for Nina, the youngest and rather impulsive
ChiWeenie, our Chihuahua/Dachshund mix. She can spring up like a gazelle and
takes every opportunity to do so, right into anyone’s lap to kiss their face
all over. To maintain any semblance of order in a four dog
house, boundaries have to be set.
When I started writing this I was frustrated by our dogs
barking in the back. Any little wild rabbit or feral cat that crosses through
our back yard sets them off and they bark. I was telling myself, “Dogs will be
dogs and they think they are protecting our home.” I know that to be true, but
it was irritating anyway.
Back to their boundaries, we have our back porch and their
potty run fenced in so they cannot just run about the neighborhood. It is
neighborhood policy to keep dogs penned, though not everyone complies, but our
concern is also for the small ones. They would be a tasty treat for a coyote or
hawk. And they are just too cute not to tempt an unscrupulous person to claim
them as their own. We have a friend in the village that does not pen their dogs
and have lost several over the years to cars, snake bites and even other dogs. So,
fence it is. They have a doggy door and can come & go into the house as
they choose. Even within the flexibility of that they have boundaries. When we
need to keep them contained, like when I’m cooking dinner, we put a baby gate
in the doorway between the kitchen and utility room. They are in out of the
elements but not under my feet as I cook. They have automatic feeder & water
bowls available to them at all times in the utility room that has blankets
covering the hard floor for their comfort. It’s a pretty cushy life, all in
I said all that to say this, seeing it through Braden’s eyes
gave me a new perspective. Even as a child, he saw the love and care we had for
our pets and commented on it. He knew the rules and boundaries we kept for them
and still called us good parents. Each of the four dogs has their own
personality and quirks and tries to push the boundaries when they think they
can but thrive in our home under those boundaries. Are we any different from
them when it comes to living within the boundaries of a Christian faith walk?
Our loving Father set boundaries for us to ensure our eternal safety and well being. Some ‘bark’ about it, calling it restrictive and confining. People will be people, after all. Others, like Nina, are repeatedly rebuked when they ignore the lessons. Some, just as Chelsie, think they can sneak slowly into disobedience and no one will notice. We’ve all seen those people that think their ‘cuteness’ will buy them favor and parental attention, this is Pan Dulce’s ploy. Last but not least, we have those, like Nikos, that hold fast to their leadership positions believing they are exempt from time to time. Still, our Father loves us unconditionally and leaves the boundaries in place because He does. He’s a good people parent, an example to follow.
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