The Book
of John tells us the wonderful story about Jesus and the woman who committed
adultery. Everyone knows the story found in John 8:1-11. After a group of
religious leaders tried to arrest Jesus and failed, He went to the Mount of
Olives. He appeared again in the temple courts, where He encountered a woman accused
of adultery. Her accusers demanded the death penalty in accordance with the Law
of Moses. Jesus countered the accusers with one statement, "If any one of
you is without sin, let him cast the first stone." (John 8:7) At this,
those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first until only
Jesus was left with the woman.
stood up and asked her "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned
you?" The woman said "No one, Sir," and Jesus said, "Then,
neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin."
by His actions, teaches us that we must become involved in order to help
someone. Luke tells us that helping others is a PRIORITY (Luke 13:15-16).
People's needs are more important than laws. Helping always comes to those with
faith (Luke 18:35-43).
Young and old alike will encounter times when someone comes and asks for help or we go to someone asking for help. This is not a weakness or a sign the one asking is not capable of helping themselves in general. It is a sign that, at the time of asking, someone is in need of assistance. We know what would have happened to the woman in the story above if Jesus had not stepped in and gotten involved.
Young and old alike will encounter times when someone comes and asks for help or we go to someone asking for help. This is not a weakness or a sign the one asking is not capable of helping themselves in general. It is a sign that, at the time of asking, someone is in need of assistance. We know what would have happened to the woman in the story above if Jesus had not stepped in and gotten involved.
We develop
strong lasting relationships with another people by being willing to become
involved with that person enough to want to help them. It is an experience that
we, as humans and as Christians, value and cherish. Each of us has committed to
help someone and experienced the wonderful feeling of love shown. This is one
of the most compassionate and loving things we can do for someone in need.
Helping someone and giving of yourself is following the model Jesus set for us.
Too many people share the mentality and practice of not getting involved. “It’s
not my problem!”…their battle cry.
back at the story of Jesus and the woman, notice He did not verbally beat her
up, or bash her about with all the ways she failed to measure up, or even sit
in judgment of her. Jesus said, "Then, neither do I condemn you. Go now
and leave your life of sin."
we humans tend to default to our human nature and go with the impulse to tell
the person asking for help (and often anyone else around who will listen) just
how they messed up and how we helped them. Christian charity and compassion
flies out the window when we tell tales that should be kept private and
confidential and/or when we puff ourselves up thinking more highly of ourselves because
we were in a better position that the one in need.
simply cannot follow the lead set for us by Jesus if we are not willing to get
involved with those in need. When we turn our head and close our eyes to those
around us we are capable of helping but choose not to, we are cheating
ourselves more than anyone else. Helping those that ask for help or helping
without being asked is a heart expanding experience that brings a sense of calm
and peace to the one in need and loving heart that got involved. It’s a Jesus
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