Miracles happen all around us every day. God is still in the miracle business regardless of those that think they ended with the last Chapter of the Bible. There are those that do not believe in what they can not see; must be sad to be one of those people. We do not see oxygen either but we count on it being there….that’s how I feel about the miracles God is doing all the time. We had a miracle in our family just last week.
Daughter # 2 had called with upsetting news our grandson #1 had gotten from the eye doctor. He merely went in to get a new prescription for contacts. Then his eyes started doing strange things, working independently of one another and he was seeing double. This doctor started telling them he would need test for neurological diseases and to find out if he had a tumor behind his eye. Telling a 16 year old kid looking forward to getting his driver’s licenses that he can’t drive is upsetting news to him. A mother hearing ‘neurological disease’ and ‘tumor’ was too!
She called to tell Papa John and me about it. We were at the dinner table when she called and Papa John could tell from my side of the conversation that one of our kids was in trouble. He quietly asked, “Which one of my grandsons is having trouble with his eyes?” Then he started praying right then and there. When the call ended I joined him in prayer. We believe in miracles.
Later that evening I ‘talked’ to our grandson #1 via an online social network. I asked if his eyes were doing any better. He said every thing had cleared up, his eyes were working together and the double vision had gone away! I told him we had covered him so deep in prayer there was no way the eye problem could live. He said he did not doubt it for a moment!
Telling my friend, Helen, the next day about our G-son, she reminded me that I had been in prayer all the day before asking for a miracle. When we heard about our boy’s problem I had forgotten I had been praying for a miracle about something else. God sent a much better miracle than what I had been asking for in the first place. I told my G-son that God answered my prayer in a much more important and significant way than I could have imagined. Isn’t that just like God?! What an important lesson for a teen to see when God does a miracle in his own life like that! What a testimony!
Miracles today? Oh, yes! They are all around us. Oh, by the way….the miracle I had been praying for in the first place….well, that whole issue just dissolved like snow in south