Psalm 37:23-24 The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he
delights in his way; though he fall, he
shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand.
This morning is a quiet, albeit wet, time
of refreshing after the storm. And what a storm it was! I do not know how the
rest of the neighborhood fared but my house and that of my friend, Candace, sustained
some damage. Hers was more substantial. Both households are safe and that is
the important thing.
The storm winds were vicious here on
Hacienda Hill. The sound alone was incredible and mysterious sounds of things
slamming into and along the front of my house kept my attention for the
duration of the first assault. I could not even imagine what was causing those
odd noises. I symbolically kissed my treasured tomato plant on the front deck
The pups were not happy at all till we
snuggled in bed to ride it out. Once there, an eerie lull carpeted the house
and I thought it was over. I was wrong; Phase Two was yet to come. As the Storm-Part
One started I prayed over my house, household, neighborhood and those affected.
I rebuked damaging winds and hail. I welcomed the life-giving rain in prayer,
as well. I called out to Jesus when things got more sever. By the time Part Two
came around, I was as covered in prayer as I could get by those who love me. I
just turned off the lamp and went to sleep.
This morning I made a wet walking tour
to look for damage. From my vantage point on the deck I could see the porch
swing on the A-frame was blown over. That swing sat in that location for most
of the years I’ve lived here and I’ve never seen that happen. Yet, there was my
fragile tomato plant still holding on to all of its fruit, even the heavy ripe
one! I was stunned. How it did not get torn apart in that crazy wind can only
be explained one way…it was in the hand of God.
I pray over my food plants every
day. It may sound silly, but every day I tell them how blessed and beautiful
they are and how they will provide food for my table. I tell them God gave them
to me and how He blesses me by blessing them. It is common knowledge in my
mother’s family of how my Grandpa Compton could push a stick into the ground, pray
over it and it would live, grow and thrive. Gardening runs in my blood and I
pay attention to the important things. I pray over my plants!
This day finds me safe and happy because the power of prayer and my Lord protection of me and my household. There is no better place to be than in the hands of God!
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