Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Trusting the Lord with all your heart and not leaning on
your own understanding is much harder to do than it is to say…especially for
control freaks and most of us ARE control freaks when it comes to our own
The Missing Alarm Clock as shared by Rick
Cindy shared with a group that God had taken away her alarm clock. She
explained that she had a tendency to struggle with control issues. As a CEO
responsible for hundreds of employees, Cindy usually was in charge.
Three years ago Cindy believed God challenged her to trust Him and to
begin by giving up her alarm clock. God wanted her to trust Him instead. The morning I met Cindy, she had to be up
by 3:15 to arrive on time. She was nervous that God would let her down, but
3:14 God used her dog to awaken her!
Do you trust God with the small and big things? We are
guilty of thinking He needs our help. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we
should sit back on our ‘blessed assurance’ and do nothing but when we give
something over to the Lord, when we know that it will take divine intervention,
we need to step out of His way; He is in the miracle business. Much of what we
think we have accomplished by our wits and clever ways has been orchestrated by
Him in the first place. If our needs and/or desires are in keeping with His
will for our lives, He moves the mountains. If we are straining to move
mountains on our own, we are wasting our time.
If you’re anything like me, you would prefer to have His
instructions in writing to make sure you were on the right path and not talking
yourself into believing your decisions were God ordained. Not wanting to leave
any room for error…
There we go again, leaning…on (y)our
own understanding. Not much trust going on there.
"in all your ways submit to him, and he will
make your paths straight.” Our part is made perfectly clear
in this part of the verse, “…in all (y)our ways submit to Him…”. That’s our
part, the trusting and submitting. “…and he will
make (y)our paths straight.” We must trust and submit and leave the
results up to Him. Tall order for control freaks, huh?
I DO want straight paths and His
hands clear the way for me. No, “trusting and submitting” are not passive
activities to keep us busy while He is out making the way clear and straight.
Trusting and submitting are what we must do if we want that clear path. It is
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