Bible Verse of the Day

2 Peter 1:5-8

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

***Amount Due***

Opening mail this time of year can be a monotonous array of sales fliers trying to entice you to spend more money on things you neither need nor can afford, and then there are the pre-approved credit cards hoping to tempt you into more debt. Let's not forget the assault from multiple insurance companies wanting your business. We did get a lovely Thanksgiving card from our cousin Carolyn that was a nice reprieve. And the never ending bills….the never ending bills…the never ending bills…

The utility companies help keep our home comfortable and livable. The mortgage company bill simply means we are blessed to own a home; some don't even have a home. The car note means we have transportation. These are the things I ponder as I open the never-ending bills, makes the task more palatable. It also reminds me of all we have to be thankful to God. It's tough to whine or feel depressed when I look at it that way.

On each of these never-ending bills, there are common line items such as:
'Statement Date' - to tell you when they were kind enough to mail it to you.
'Next Payment Date" - as a reminder they are, indeed, never ending bills.
'Amount Due' - to make sure you don't forget how much they are expecting from you.
'Payment Due Date' - so you know your time is limited in getting them their due.

It might serve us well at this time to remember we created all these bills ourselves for our comfort, convenience, and pleasure. It is easy to get in over your head and resent the stress these bills create, so I'll say it again… It might serve us well at this time to remember we created all these bills ourselves for our comfort, convenience, and pleasure.

Imagine with me how it would feel to have the same obligations to cover for someone other than your own household. Not many of us would willingly take that on. Not many of us could take that on. Some go from month to month paying the never-ending bills as they can and enclosing a prayer in each envelop in hopes the payment goes through. Therefore, having a burden like covering an others debt would be more than we could bear.

Yet, that is exactly what Jesus did for each and every one of us! He paid our sin debt. He sacrificed everything due Him in order to cover everything we owed and could not pay to have a relationship with God. We don't get a monthly statement from Jesus telling us what we owe, when it's due and what He expects next month, too. We know that His sacrifice paid the whole price upfront for us. Our sin debt wiped out completely. How do you repay that? Yes, we have a lot to give thanks for and we know we are blessed. However, none of that would be possible if Jesus had not stepped up to cover our debt. A debt He did not create or owe!

Account Number: JesusLovesMe
Statement Date: Everyday
Payment Amount: $0.00
Next Payment Amount: $0.00
Account Status: PAID IN FULL

Monday, November 29, 2010

Perfect Password for Life

If you're reading this, you have internet and email access. Both wonderful inventions when used as intended, both irritating nuisances when abused by those with unsavory intent. Why some people delight in making other people's lives miserable by interjecting themselves and meanness by sending out viruses, worms and spam through unsuspecting internet users is beyond me. They obviously have more time on their hands than they do common decency.

I continue to receive a spam email from Jen, no fault of hers, just an example of an email account being hijacked. Change your password, Jen….throw a monkey wrench in the hijackers work! We've all had this happen at least once and it is frustrating! I was thinking she needed to change her password as I deleted the email yet again when the holy tap on my shoulder came. "Change the password"…Lord, is that your message?

Our passwords online are suppose to protect us and give us some semblance of privacy...HA! Any hacker worth his salt can crack into our information any time the mood strikes. We can be surfing along and BAM! Our private lives and information are accessible to the heinous villain looking for a place to insert his dastardly deed. There will always be those roaming about looking to kill, steal, and destroy. Sounds familiar, huh! Our internet world is not exempt from the evil that lives and thrives on this earth.

In our spiritual lives we can fall victim to corruption and sin just as easily when our decision making process is hijacked, too. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are above that! 1 Corinthians 10:12 (Amp) Therefore let anyone who thinks he stands [who feels sure that he has a steadfast mind and is standing firm], take heed lest he fall [into sin]. Scripture tells us we are not to think we are above, too spiritual or too churched to think we are above the same temptations that everyone else faces. Verse 13 goes on to tell us we are not in this fight alone. God has given us the ability to face temptations and sins.

13 For no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), [no matter how it comes or where it leads] has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently.

 It looks clear to me, the viruses and worms of the world will always bet here but we have the best protection and security there is when we change our personal password to Jesus!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's Not Just Me, the Bible Says So!

Psalm 95:1-2 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.

Thanksgiving Eve is upon us. It's still very early morning but if I were to name the day, it would be Thanksgiving Eve. Pardon my giddiness; it is simply that I love Thanksgiving! I know I've said that before but you'll hear it again. For days, I've fought the temptation and burning desire to cook my portion of the meal with our family. Everything that can be done ahead has been done and my sights are set on the things that need wait until closer to time.

Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Before you start to get annoyed with my enthusiasm, let me say this…my love affair with Thanksgiving Day is not about turkey or pumpkin pie or even the fall weather I love so much. The day itself symbolizes many things to different people. To me, it is the national holiday named for the state of heart God gave me.

Once upon a time, the state of my heart and mind and outlook waffled from day to day, molded by circumstances in my life. Many times circumstances of my life sucked! I will not bore you with a laundry list of situations because we all have our own. You know what's on your list; we all know a situation that sucks when we see it. Especially when we have to endure it.

Philippians 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Living with an attitude of thanksgiving does not come naturally to us. We tend to get bogged down in the muck and mire of the world and behave in ways that reveal we think we deserve better than that which has been dealt us. Some people feel they are Fly Paper to all things horrible and unfair. Their attitude, mentality, behavior and words all concur, "I am a victim of life, and life sucks."   

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

The fact is you can't sing praises to the Lord when you're focused on yet another verse of "Woe is me!" We all have heartache and burdens. How we choose to deal with them says a lot about the state of our hearts. I have always said Thanksgiving was my favorite holiday but it wasn't until God changed my heart and I made a point to be thankful regardless of circumstance that I learned what thanksgiving really is. I look for reasons to be thankful. I don't know about you but I can handle frustration and disappointment better when I have an ongoing list of things for which I am thankful to read as I pass through the difficult times. A thankful heart is the product of God's work in me and I am extremely thankful for it! For me, everyday is thanksgiving day! My cup runneth over!

Revelation 7:12saying, "Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever Amen."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sharing Thankfulness

I love Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is the holiday where Believer and non-believers alike, at least in our country, pause to consider all they have for which to be thankful. I'd like to believe that. I'm not so naive that I think everyone experiences a Norman Rockwell type of meal where all the family gathers around the table set with the best dishes and Grandpa carves the turkey while each person shares a heart-felt something. That would be nice but it's not the norm.

I asked my class of middle school aged kids at church if their families spoke of being thankful for things when sitting together over the holiday meal. Only one kid raised a hand. They others looked at me like that was a silly question. I remember seeing that look on my kid's faces when I would suggest we practice that tradition. It was considered corny, lame, embarrassing…I wish I had insisted. They were going to consider me corny, lame and embarrassing anyway, might as well inject some good habits along the way.

I gave my class a sheet with a scripture from 1 Corinthians 1:4-5... I always thank my God for you because of His grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in Him you have been enriched in every way – with all kinds of speech and with knowledge. I had them write on the page one thing they were thankful for in general and then one thing they were thankful for about each member of their immediate family. I'm happy to say it didn't seem to be a stretch for them and all started writing right away. I didn't have them share what they wrote with the class but their homework was to give it to their parents.

I asked a few questions: Who thanks your parents for your dinner each night? Who thanks parents for the roof over your head? Who thanks teachers for their time and effort to help you learn? There were more questions, more looks of "huh?" One of my goals for this class is that they learn to think about the world around them and not just their own self-serving issues. As an example of that, I used 'show & tell'. One kid said they were thankful for their pet. I stood my pen on end to represent the pet. I mentioned the need to be thankful for the parents that allowed the pet. Another pen standing. Then I mentioned being thankful for the job the parents had so the pet could be fed…another pen standing. I listed something connected to the pet until all pens around the table were standing on end to show how we need to consider ALL there is to gives thanks that relates to the pet. That visual showed them many reasons to be thankful they had never considered.

In the New International Version of the Bible, there are 48 references with the phrase "give thanks." If we look nothing else but that, we have 48 instructions written in the holy, God-inspired Word to give thanks. That alone should be enough to make the point. It's a daily instruction, not just a once a year issue! 

We, as parents, grandparents, and teachers need to lead by example. Children really do learn what they live and we need to make the Bible ordained instruction of "giving thanks" one of those important lessons. Whether you have your Thanksgiving meal on china or paper plates doesn't matter. Along with stuffing and pumpkin pie, make giving thanks a part of your family tradition. It's more than a pre-meal prayer; it's sharing your heart with those important to you. It's saying aloud that you know your life is blessed because they are a part of it. People need to hear it. God wants to hear it. We are, after all, told to enter His gates with praise and Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Full Moon

Last night I basked in the glorious sight of the full moon. The Hacienda was quiet; Honey and hounds already tucked in for the night and the siren pull of the full moon drew me outside to marvel in its beauty. I found years ago that time alone on the front deck at night is a powerful experience that fosters a sense of private intimacy with my Lord. Early morning darkness, too, that dark time before the first pale rays shoot above the horizon in the east, shrouds the world and her cares and I feel as if I become one with the universe.

It's amazing how quickly my troubles gain perspective when held up to the vastness of the dark sky. An overwhelming issue in the harsh glare of sunlight shrinks against the night. It is also a time of thanks, for how can one sit under the blanket of stars and not give thanks to the God of the universe for all His creation and blessings? The sense of oneness with all He has created is powerful. My place in the vastness insured, yet even in the face of just how tiny I am, the knowledge that His immense love for me prevails!  

Many a prayer have I uttered aloud under the stars. I often envy those that came before us, when the world was not dotted with electric lights. How much more the night was a part of their lives than ours. I can appreciate the good we enjoy from lights but I can also appreciate the benefit of time without it. On my first mission trip in Africa, the stars astounded me each night. Without the distraction of electricity, the sky felt enormous and the stars…oh, the stars! Looking up at night, you felt as if you could reach up and touch them. I've not seen such intensity of stars before or since.

We showed The Jesus Film in their language at night via generator. The majority of the village people would come and sit on the ground to watch. We sat intermingled with them. I have a distinct memory of looking up at the sky in awe…could it be true; this little girl from small town Texas was sitting on the ground looking at the most majestic sky in the middle of Africa? I do not know the words to describe adequately what I felt that night. The experience was a big as the African star-filled sky. All I can say is that God gave me a visual and spiritual encounter I will never forget.

Take a few minutes tonight to stand in the quiet and look up at the moon and sky. It's a divine appointment you will be thankful you didn't miss!

Friday, November 19, 2010

You Can Climb but You Can't Hide!

I was reading the scripture in Luke 19 about Zacchaeus and Jesus. I was struck by what curiosity inspired Zacchaeus to do just to catch a glimpse of Jesus. Understand, he was the Chief Tax Collector, a government workers and top of the tax collectors totem pole - though considered a sinner, reprobate, and general slime-ball among the people. This short man couldn't see over the heads in the crowd. I know that feeling.

It's a sure bet that Zacchaeus had a hard life growing up as a short man. Kids are cruel, people made fun of him, called him names. No doubt, his heart developed an attitude of resentment, it's hurtful to made fun of and criticized all the time. What better revenge than becoming a tax collector that enforced people giving their hard-earned money over. Who's in control now, people? Power became his compensation for a lifetime of humiliation. He became rich skimming money from the very ones that caused him much anguish.

Painfully aware his stature hindered his chances to see this man called Jesus everyone talked about, he made his way to the 'parade route' and climbed a tree. As a short person, I can tell you, it's not easy to climb trees and this man did it in a long robe! He climbed a Sycamore Fig tree. I looked them up; they are certainly not like any fig tree growing in Texas. One of ours wouldn't hold a grown man, short or not. These trees typically grow by a source of water, in this case, the Jordan River. They grow to be majestic trees with their branches spreading high in the air. A perfect place to see the show; a difficult, undignified climb for a short man bent on lording his power over his tormentors. Perhaps he planned to hide among the leaves so he would not be obvious.

The crowd grows noisy as Jesus approaches. Imagine the tingling of spines in excitement, people jockeying for position to see better. They line the rooftops, doorways, and street corners. Rumors of miracles Jesus is said to have performed reached town before He did. Everyone wants a glimpse, to see this man. Then, suddenly, there he is among his followers. He looks ordinary enough. Can it be true, this man performed miracles? He doesn't look how you'd expect a miracle worker to look. Perhaps Zacchaeus felt silly for going to so much trouble and climbing a tree, at least he saw what he came to witness for himself. Then Jesus stops his sojourn down the road and walks through the crowd to the base of the tree Zacchaeus is sitting in. As he looks up, all eyes follow his. Calling Zacchaeus by name, Jesus tells him to come down because he needs to stay at his house for the night. Despised, hated Zacchaeus is now fully exposed, unable to hide. The fair citizens of Jericho are shocked to hear Jesus' request for a meal and a bed with a sinner, cheat, and thief of a tax collector. 

Imagine how Zacchaeus must have felt! The all-knowing eyes of Jesus exposed him to the crowd, yet there was no judgment in them. The two men looked into each other's eyes and Zacchaeus felt the heart probing, the soul searching and the unconditional love he saw looking back at him. Jesus saw all the years of pain caused by the footprints of those stomping on Zacchaeus' self-esteem and spirit. One look into the eyes of Jesus set him free from a lifetime of torment, hate, and self-loathing. One close encounter forever changed his hardened heart. Stripped of his need for retaliation, Zacchaeus felt the restoration of his soul. His home a refuge for the night, his new life a reflection of the man called Jesus, healed, restored, complete and full of love.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

People, It's Time to be Free!

I am so amazed each time I look at my calendar to see this year is almost at an end! Good heavens, the time flies so fast. I catch myself telling younger people how much more quickly it goes the older you get. Young people do not always believe it, especially teens. For me, it's rather like hearing the ticking clock inside the crocodile that haunted Captain Crook in the Peter Pan classic. I can be minding my own business and there it is - the ticking off of minutes…tick, tick, tick. Add to that the flipping of the pages of the calendar, which goes so fast it sounds, in my ears, like the shuffling of a deck of cards…bluurrrp, bluurrp, bluurrp. Put all together, you have a Symphony of Passing Time…tick, tick, bluurrp, tick, tick, bluurrp…

In a conversation with my friend, Mina, yesterday, she brought up how as she gets older she is enjoying the freedom that comes with life. I agreed. I have much more personal freedom at this stage of my life than ever before. Mina and I agreed it's a God thing. This comes from knowing who I am in Christ, my identity is based on that alone, not some warped perception or expectations the world has for me. Then I got an email from another friend, Mary, telling me of the personal traditions she practices at Christmas that put her closer to God and how meaningful it is to her. She commented, "I know that tradition seems silly to other people but I feel it and enjoy it – and that is what counts!" Good for you, Mary!

This is not the same thing as the mentality from the 60's and 70's, "It's your thing, do what you want to do!" I know the difference, I was there doing my own thing. No, it's not about social rebellion or personal expression. It's about confidence, confidence that comes only from knowing your position as a child of God. I know He looks at me and sees the daughter of the King; I am a princess! I no longer care if my clothes are in fashion, they aren't. My hairstyle is one that makes me comfortable, not one that is trendy. I don't lose sleep over who might like it or not. When your priorities are around Jesus and who you are in Him, nothing else really matters. I neither need nor seek approval from people of the world. That, Folks, brings a bunch of freedom!

When I look in the mirror and see all that sags, surrendered to gravity, I remind myself that God sees His little princess when He looks at me. He knew the clay vessel He gave me to walk around in would suffer the ravages of time and environmental decay. He sees the inner me, the spirit me, the one that will sit at his feet in praise. Freedom to be that me is freedom, indeed!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Know What You're Getting

Twice a year, my Honey and I do a three week Daniel Fast to focus on hearing from God in serving Him. A Daniel fast is not a full out fast where you abstain from all food but follows the dietary practices recorded in the Book of Daniel. We fast meats, sweets, breads, dairy, and anything that is not natural and healthy. We can have whole grains, legumes (beans), vegetables, and fruit. This is a healthy fast. My body deals with diabetes and I cannot do a full fast. The Daniel fast is awesome.

I have a book titled "What Would Jesus Eat?" No hamburgers and fries there, I assure you. It did not say Jesus was a vegetarian either. He ate natural, healthy foods, walked everywhere, got plenty of sunshine and nary a processed food product passed His lips. We would do well to follow His example.

There are a number of vegetarian products out there to replace meat. Some of which taste quite good. In fact, a regular breakfast for me includes a Spicy Black Bean (soy) Burger (it's a patty) topped with an egg. Protein, great taste and a satisfied tummy & tongue. I add salsa once and a while because it diminishes any salt cravings. It looks like meat, functions like meat but is completely meat free. It has 73% less fat than ground beef, only 120 calories, and 17% of my daily protein needs and well within my Daniel fast commitment. I eat this regularly, not just when fasting.

Why, you might be asking, am I sharing this with you? I said all that to say this, my Spicy Black Bean Burger looks, tastes and functions as real meat…it is made to appear as such to appeal, psychologically, to people. People may be choosing not to eat meat but they like their non-meat to look like it meat anyway. This same principle is happening in the world of faith and church, as well. People can build a building that looks like a church and sounds like a church but is not the real Church…not the Church Jesus came to build. Anyone can stand behind a pulpit, doesn't make them a minister preaching the Word of the Living God. That old saying, "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck" does not hold true in all that looks and sounds like a church.

The Bible tells us to be on guard for false teachers are out there. I do not believe we are instructed to do so merely as a precaution. It's a threat to the Christian community and to humanity's eternal salvation. We should take this seriously. Entire denominations teach that Jesus is not the Son of God. This, Folks, constitutes an antichrist doctrine. We are told in 1 John that anyone denying the Lordship of Jesus is an antichrist. By definition in the original Greek, antichrist means someone that denies or opposes Jesus. We know Scripture tells of THE Antichrist to come in the last hour, but the word antichrist used in that context means 'false Messiah' and is a synonym of the original Greek word use which means 'denies or opposes Christ.'

I think it is imperative that we see these people as lost souls. They are ministered to by antichrists and they become antichrists. Can we, as Christians, sit by and watch from the bleachers while multitudes are spreading out like ants taking an antichrist message to the world, even to our own doorsteps? I think not! I think some righteous indignation is called for and a call to arms to stand up and refute that message loudly and often! Hey, my Spicy Black Bean Burger tastes good, I like it…'s still not meat! These false teachers can make their false doctrines just as palatable…it still isn't the truth!

The difference? I do not believe my little black bean patties ARE meat. I am not deceived into thinking that. The words on the package clearly state exactly what goes into making them. People under the leadership of false teachers are spoon-fed lies and relish every bite. False teachers claim to be the real deal serving up an authentic message. It is a 'fast of the truth' and their people do not even know they are fasting.

FYI – my Honey and I usually do the Daniel Fast in January to kick off the new year but this year we will be in Costa Rica on a mission trip. We are fasting, instead, November 28th thru December18th. Notice that is between Thanksgiving turkey and Christmas! If you'd like to join us on the fast, let us know so we can encourage one another. And, Honey…no matter how often you say it, ketchup is NOT a vegetable!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Timing is Everything

For the previous two days, I mulled over and researched scripture on which to write this morning. You'd think I'd learn after a while but no! It was a lesson I saw many Believers in need of reading for encouragement, including myself, but it was not the result of the holy tap on my shoulder. I've spent the last two hours at my computer trying to put it together. God won't let me. Silly woman! I start each morning by asking God to use my hands to write what He would have me do, yet I still tried to put out something of my own doing. It was godly stuff, backed up with Scripture, sound theology…just not ordained by God for me to write today.

I share this with you to say we need be aware of what it is God gives each of us to do rather than push through with what we want to do. My intent was good, share a timely word with others that God showed me. The issue at hand is that it was in my timing, not God's.

For clarification's sake let me say, I could have literally written the lesson, posted it to the blog and gone about my merry way. I have a lot of work to do this morning, many hours ahead of me sitting at this computer, so getting the blog out quickly and smoothly is a benefit to my time working. But at what cost? Would it be disobedience to do it anyway? If obedience delayed is still disobedience, what is it when we jump ahead of God's timing? Aside from unwise and unproductive, as evidenced by my morning. It was, however, productive in that I did a lot of Bible reading. Perhaps that is all God wanted me to do today.

People tend to run in circles when they get out of cadence with the Lord and His timing. God has shown me repeatedly over the years that my execution of the task He gave me to do is not always lining up with His intent. I wish I was a talented enough writer to describe and explain the feeling, knowledge or what ever it should be called that I get when I know and say God isn't going to let me write and/or send out something He has not ordained. It's a Spiritual thing, He doesn't literally bind my hands, but there is no doubt in my spirit that I am out of whack and I should stop it!

We really need to tune into what God is asking us to do. Then and only then can we focus on doing what He asks of us instead of what we want or pushing through our own agenda. No need to be all willy-nilly about it, God has a plan for each of us. Serving our Lord is a privilege and commitment birthed in love. We need pursue that to His highest glory, not our own. Therefore, after asking forgiveness for trying to do it my way, I was able to share this with you. Your message, Your timing, Lord, that's what I want to write.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Living Proverbs 15

Proverbs Chapter 15 has a reoccurring theme on the words of our mouth, discipline, and attitude. We only need look in the mirror or talk to a 14 yr old (as I did last night) to know that is the words of our mouth, attitude, and discipline can be an ongoing struggle. My granddaughter has a driving need to get in the last word regardless of the consequences that might bring. 15:2 The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, But the mouth of fools spout folly. Her attitude is based neither on logic nor wisdom but on the prevailing mindset of the moment. 15:15 All the days of the afflicted are bad, But a cheerful heart has a continual feast. At 14, discipline is considered an unnecessary four-letter word heaped upon her without justification, of course! 15:32 He who neglects discipline despises himself, But he who listens to reproof acquires understanding.

This behavior is not reserved for those in the prime of teen years. You can find it everywhere. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, you can find it in the mirror. It's amazing how we are quick to notice the ill-said word or comment, negative attitude, and lackadaisical self-discipline of others…yet hear or see them not in ourselves. We see distortion in godly ways of others but our self-perception doesn't allow a true reflection in viewing what we do or say. Somehow, we manage to slough off our own. This, Friends, makes it vital we have an accountability partner that loves us enough to tell us straight up when we're thinking, talking, or acting in ways unbecoming to a godly man or woman. No one is exempt - we all stumble and fall.

I am blessed to have three such friends that love me (warts and all) enough to be completely honest with me. They will let me vent, cry or act as unbecomingly as I can, then tell me lovingly where I am off track. I can call them and ask for prayer, an opinion, a shoulder to cry on or celebrate a victory with me. Anyone can tell you what you want to hear, it takes an accountability partner to tell you what you don't. 15:22 Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed. 15:23 A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!         

Here's the kicker though, you have to be open to hearing what an accountability partner says to you. If you cannot or will not hear anything that bares your insecurities, imperfections, or sins, how can you be receptive? 15:12 A scoffer does not love one who reproves him, He will not go to the wise. John Hagee referred to those who reject someone's opinion if different from their own as an "Emotional Hitler" because they blow up and try to intimidate anyone voicing something they do not want to here. 15:18 A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But the slow to anger pacifies contention. We tend to forget God sees our hearts and knows our motivations. The filters we view ourselves through do not blind Him. 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, Watching the evil and the good.   

Accountability Partner Qualifications: Mature in the Lord - you don't need the blind leading the blind. 15:14 The mind of the intelligent seeks knowledge, But the mouth of fools feeds on folly. Willing to tell you the truth even when it's not pretty15:10 Stern discipline is for him who forsakes the way; He who hates reproof will die. 15:31 He whose ear listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise.

We all have times when we revert to an attitude of a 14 year old, thinking live is unfair, and nothing short of what we want will suffice. Until the day we shed the earth-suit we inhabit, we will have times we stumble and fall. It's great to have someone around to lend a helping hand to get us back on our spiritual feet, this is the role of an accountability partner. I love mine. They are friends with spiritual backbone. Pride has no place in the life of a godly man or woman. 15:33 The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom, and before honor comes humility.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Full Access

I had a realization this morning as I was reading scripture. It was more the holy tap on my shoulder but the thought occurred to me that I often question what we, the people, might be doing or not doing, as the case may be, that keeps us from experiencing the full power and victory offered us through following Christ. I asked God to help me understand why I wrote about that so often. He reminded me I write about the things He gives me to write…even clarified butter…remember that one? I then saw through my spiritual eyes the times I experienced total surrender to the Lord feeling engulfed by the tide of peace and the comfort of feeling and knowing His arms were securely wrapped around me. There is no place as awesome as the lap of God!

He prompts me to write of things that bring us to a more mindful place of what we may be doing to hinder our times of sitting in His lap. There are plenty of people, pastors, and ministries telling us of God's compassion and sweet mercies. That's a good thing. We all need to hear that. Mine is not to say 'oh, you sinner you!' but to ask if you, like me, might be putting barriers in your path that keep you in the 'cheap seats' of God's people…close enough to hear the music but not near enough to climb in His lap.

God's hand always extends toward us but we cannot reach it if we take a stand, like a two year old, determined to do it ourselves. We can't reach out to Him if we fold our arms resolutely over our chests. Likewise, if our hands are full, tightly clutched around things of the world – possessions, money, titles…even our children; we hinder grasping His hand offered us.God wants us to sit in His lap because we are His children. We loved to cuddle our kids up close feeling the total devotion and love we have for them. Our heavenly Father wants us to share that with Him…we can't if we are too busy in all our self-importance and stubbornness. 

God shows me all the time how He is in the details of everyday life and teaches me lessons to grow me spiritually. He has charged me with the task of sharing those lessons. He wants us up close and personal, not in the cheap seats…not behind barriers. He offers full access all the time…we erect the barriers. No wisdom there!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Martha or Mary?

This morning in my reading time, a beautiful prayer I read blessed me. I was reading about the story of Martha and Mary. We all tend to act and think like Martha from time to time. What we need is more of an attitude of worship over service. A little less Martha and a lot more Mary.

I am sharing the prayer I read with you. It touched my heart.

Dear Savior at whose feet I now sit,

   When you knock on the door to my heart, what is it you are looking for? What is it you want? Is it not to come in to dine with me? Is it not for fellowship?

   And yet, so often, where do you find me? At your feet? No. In the kitchen. How many times have I become distracted and left you there… sitting… waiting… longing?

   What is so important about my kitchenful of preparations that draws me away from you? How can they seem so trivial now and yet so urgent when I'm caught up in them?

   Forgive me for being so much distracted by my preparations and so little attracted by your presence. For being so diligent in my duties and so negligent in my devotion. For being so quick to my feet and so slow to yours.

   Help me to understand it is an intimate moment you seek from me, not an elaborate meal.

   Guard my heart this day from the many distractions that vie for my attention. And help me to fix my eyes on you. Not on my rank in the kingdom, as did the disciples. Not on the finer points of theology, as did the scribes. Not on the sins of others, as did the Pharisees. Not on the place of worship, as did the woman at the well. Not on the budget, as did Judas. But on you.

   Bring me out of the kitchen, Lord. Bid me come to your feet. And there may I thrill to sit and adore you…

Indeed, we all have our Martha moments and, as in this prayer, we should ask the Lord to help us focus on His presence, His desire is fellowship with us. We need remember it is the time at His feet that is more important than the busy service work on which we place our energies and efforts.

The prayer is from a devotional book called, appropriately enough, Intimate Moments with the Savior, by Ken Gire. My prayer is that we ask for forgiveness for thinking our busy work is so important we forget to focus on Him and the sweet time of fellowship in His presence. A little less Martha and a lot more Mary.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Facing the Difficult Times

Who among us is not facing difficult times and/or does not know many others that are? The Bible tells us difficult time will come. It also tells us that Scripture will give us instruction that leads to salvation and what we need to be prepared in righteousness to stand against the difficult times. I do not know how people without God can get through the day. I am still amazed that I survived the time of my life when I foolishly tried to walk through it on my own. Looking back, I can see where His Hand was on me even though I did not know it. I admit there was a time in my life where I considered the Bible a glorified history book. I was wrong. It is road map of my life these days and I would not hazard to venture through my day without it.   

2 Timothy 3
 1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,  5 holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. 6 For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, rejected in regard to the faith.

9But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all, just as Jannes's and Jambres's folly was also. 10 Now you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance, 11 persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord rescued me! 12 Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 13 But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,  15 and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

In conversation with a friend the other day, he quoted from the Scripture above, "… always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" That struck me as the sad way many people approach Bible study. It's rather like reading a cookbook but never trying a recipe. You can memorize all the scripture written but it will be in vain if you do not allow it to soak into the depths of your spirit and ask the Lord for revelation knowledge and understanding. Otherwise, it is no more meaningful than reading a sales catalog you get in the mail.

I love to learn, I love study and research, but it is of little value if I cannot apply it my life to benefit others and myself. God teaches each of us in the way most appropriate for our understanding. For me, it is the holy taps on my shoulder to let me know He has placed something in front of me and I need to pay attention. He has also given me marching orders to share those life lessons with others. While He points the way, I pray for guidance as I turn the lesson into words in this blog, I dig through scripture to find the nuggets I need to make it come alive in my understanding. God will always do his part and we must do ours. Let us strive to be Believers seeking revelation knowledge and not be content with "… always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth"

Monday, November 8, 2010

Listen With Your Spirit

Last week I was on a trip out of state and my destination did not have internet access, consequently, no blogs! I did not have foreknowledge of this, so I was unable to let you know what was going on. My computer and I enjoyed a technology-free week! I am home again, computer ready, and research done….. This is my first Daylight Savings-free workday and I am delighted, if somewhat distracted by all the glorious morning light! Never was a Daylight Savings Time fan.

A week without blogs and/or writing finds me full of all kinds of things to talk about. Still, I am weeding through the thoughts…my thoughts, and waiting for the Lord to show me what He wants me to share. My thoughts are my opinions; His thoughts are far greater than mine, so I defer to His. I received His holy tap on the shoulder while I was away, and made 'Notes to Self' to research the issues He brought to my spirit. This was my morning's work. I never cease to marvel at how exact and to the point His nudges faithfully show themselves to be.

I feel God is leading me to tell you to listen to the preachers and teachers you study under but to never lose sight that they, too, are human and subject to seasoning their words with personal interpretations. I'm not saying they are deliberately misleading those that study under them, just that anything you hear or read - hold up the pure bright light of Scripture for accuracy and truth. Pay attention to the leading of the Lord alone, especially when you hear something that doesn't settle in your spirit. For example, not too long ago I heard a teaching defining some of the words in the lesson in a way I had never seen them used. This sent up flags of concern in my spirit. I do not claim to be an expert in anything but I could not shake the misgivings. I determined to research and study the scriptures referenced in the original Greek, including the specific words that left me uneasy.

Nowhere in any of the different Bible versions, many scripture commentaries and Greek Biblical dictionary could I find those words used how the teacher defined them. They made specific points in the lesson as presented, but I could not find any Biblical references to backup what the teacher said in reference to the usage. This well respected teacher is a mature leader/teacher in the Christian world leading many people to the Lord. I am not trying to distract from the work they have done in the name of Jesus. I am simply using this situation to say we need to listen to the prompting of the Spirit in us, using discernment and testing that to which we listen against the true Word of God. It is imperative we study scripture. How else will we know when something does not line up with the proven Word of God?      

It is said, "If we stand for nothing, we will fall for anything." I say we need stand on the Rock of Jesus Christ and truth of sound Scripture to insulate us from the winds of adversity and erroneous teachings. Entire doctrines and denominations have started on personal interpretations. Discernment is a spiritual gift - use it wisely.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Women in the Mirror

  ‘Life has a way of sneaking up on you when you are busy doing something else.’

That is a paraphrased quote on a fridge magnet given to me by my ‘adopted daughter’ Julie. She was an intense young woman, wise beyond her years in many ways, sheltered beyond reason in others. I have to say though; the girl knew how to deal with problems. She would show up on my doorstep, frozen chocolate crème pie in hand. Upon entry to the house, she would march to the kitchen, grab a couple of spoons, and then climb into the middle of my bed, pie in tow. My job was to make a pot of coffee before joining her. We would hash over her latest dilemma, eat the pie right out of the tin; washing it down with hot coffee. That approach may not work for everyone but it was Julie's way.

  Julie became my 'adopted' daughter. We bonded in a large way, because I believe I was the first person in her life to tell her she was perfectly fine, just as she was. It seemed Julie’s parents groomed her for something 'more'. An older sister, groomed to be a politician, cast a looming shadow while Julie, considered politician wife material, was left to fend on her own a bit too much. These are, of course, only my opinions based on what I witnessed and heard over chocolate crème pie. Let me assure you, there was nothing second place about Julie!

  A self-professed spoiled child, she projected a picture of the image she was to be, the way to act and conduct her self and, clearer yet, what not to be. Sadly, her perception was totally based on the expectations of others. She was not so much a spoiled child as she was an emotionally neglected one. I believe it was easier to claim spoiled status than it was to face the void. If ever there was a classic people pleaser, it was my Julie. I recognized it in her because I was a reformed people pleaser myself. I think it was that, more than anything else, which drew her to me. I believe she saw in me hope and freedom, freedom to be whom and what she was, just as she was and hope, that it was indeed possible.

  It is not so much that I am very wonderful or pulled together. It is that I learned to love the woman in the mirror; only possible because of what God has done in me. If Julie learned nothing else at all from me, my prayer is that she learned that lesson. I learned from a long line of mistakes and errors that I was not the sum of my accomplishments, education, worldly successes, or the lack thereof. I may have failed at many endeavors but I was not a failure. I may have taken the wrong road, more than once, but at least I kept moving forward. When you know who you are in the Lord nothing else matters; it is not what others think of me that defines me. My faith determines how I conduct myself in times of trial and tribulations. In short, it is okay to be the red dress among all the beige; God loves me as He sees me through the redeeming eyes of Jesus. I pray Julie feels the love and acceptance of Jesus for the woman she sees in the mirror…wherever she is today. I pray we all come to terms with who we are in Christ and give little concern to all else.