Bible Verse of the Day

2 Peter 1:5-8

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Crossroads of Life

In life, there are times we find ourselves standing at a crossroad. For all the planning and mapping out the direction we intend to go, we often come upon a crossroad we had not expected.

Merriam-Webster defines Crossroad as -- 1: a road that
crosses a main road or runs cross-country between main roads 2: a: the place of intersection of two or more roads b (1): a small community located at such a crossroads (2): a central meeting place c: a crucial point especially where a decision must be made

Wouldn’t it be great to have a GPS for our life choices? We have a GPS we travel around with now. The best thing about these little devises is that the age old argument about stopping for directions is eliminated. Somehow, men find taking directions from the female voice in the box far less threatening than asking a real person. Whatever works!

We have named the female voice of our GPS Sadie. Her full name is Sadie-Sadie Bossy Lady. Rather than finding her directions insulting as he would, I don’t know, say mine, my husband gets tickled at Sadie. He does, however, take a stand once in a while and goes in another direction just because he can! Sadie jumps into action and adjusts her game plan declaring she is ‘recalculating.’ I think she sounds annoyed. Regardless, she comes up with another plan and we move on down the road.

No matter how we have planned our lives, crossroads will pop up and throw our plan out the window. There is a GPS for life, the Bible. Referencing the Webster listing above, the option we encounter causing the most distress will be option C:a crucial point especially where a decision must be made.

The good news is that the Bible is a road map of wisdom with any and every answer regarding direction we need. The problem lies with people’s inability or unwillingness to learn to read the map! We want easy answers; we want Sadie-Sadie Bossy Lady telling us where to turn and when. We do not want the accountability that comes with making crucial decisions. We do not want to have to step back and ‘recalculate’, so we wait.

People, GPS can stand for God Problem Solves or God Promises Security or God Provides Solutions. Next time you hit a crossroad, pull out the only GPS that counts!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Notice What You Notice

Notice what you notice.

That line strikes me as quite profound. I am one that pays attention to ordinary things. Perhaps it’s the writer in me being tuned in to my surroundings for the word pictures. Perhaps it is the mother in me that was always had to have at least one eye and ear trained toward my children. Regardless, being aware is in the details.

Priorities may be a factor that determines that on which we focus. For instance, I love plants and can spend time just ‘being’ around them. My husband really couldn’t care less. We had a fierce wind storm early one morning that toppled the star of my front landscape. You have to realize that by ‘landscape’ I mean the meager area that actually has a plan; a purpose in the Five Year Plan I’ve been working on for seven years.

Anyway, this tall imposing Spanish Dagger, loving called the Stickity Pokity, was blown over; broken off at ground level. I call it the star of my landscape because it stood out against the skyline when viewed from the street level and coming up our hillside driveway. It was magnificent. That afternoon was clear and sunny when my husband returned home from work. He did not notice the Stickity Pokity no longer standing next to the driveway. I had noticed at first glance through squinted eyes due to a migraine headache; how was it possible that my husband did not see it as he came up the driveway, drove right
beside where it once stood and never noticed it wasn’t there any longer? I do not know.

Some say there is a distinct difference between men and women in this area. Living with my husband provides a solid argument for that theory. I would like to walk around inside his head for one day, thinking his thoughts, seeing the world through his eyes and noticing what attracts his attention.

The running joke around here is that men, at least the men folk in my home, can not find anything they are looking for unless it is jumping up and down, calling their name. My husband can not find anything in the fridge unless it is right along the front edge of the top shelf. Anything beyond that is invisible to him. If he can not open the door, stand back and have it fall out, he doesn’t see it. Heaven forbid he should actually have to move something around to see behind things. I can tell him which shelf the desired object is on, whether it is on the right, left or in the center without so much as glancing in his direction and from the comfort of the couch but he still can not find it. I know this information because I pay attention, not because my fridge is so organized and structured, believe me.

I’d like to point out that this same man can talk to you about sports data, tell stories from previous games attended, and even tell you how much he paid for tickets many years ago. Is that a gender thing or a priority issue? Let’s just call it Gender Priority and be done with it.

I have a theory that perspective has a lot to do with determining that which we notice and what we do not. This is not gender related at all. Having had many children living in my home at one time or another, I can tell you that their perspective makes things like towels on the floor a non-issue. Same thing for full trash cans. Glasses left on the coffee table, shoes beside the couch, school papers wafting to the floor, clean folded clothes under the bed, candy wrappers stuck in all sorts of odd places……none of these things ever hit their attention radar. They walk through the same rooms I traverse yet are oblivious to all the aforementioned. What was obvious to me rendered them oblivious. Obvious, oblivious. Notice how closely spelled those two words are, yet mean something entirely different? From their perspective, nothing was askew. From my perspective, a stress meltdown was imminent because nothing was on their radar. Indeed, perspective is a powerful factor in determining what we notice.

So, we have looked at priorities, gender and perspective. My question to you, dear reader, is can we change what we notice and deem attention worthy? Perhaps making a concerted effort to notice what you notice will give you insight. It’s that simple, notice what you notice; being aware is in the details.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Color Me Blessed

As inept as I sometimes feel regarding my abilities, I am enjoying some modern technologies in the social networking world. I have a MySpace page, created to follow what was going on in the lives of my grandchildren. I don’t find it very user friendly. Consequently, not much time spent there.

I am also on Facebook and enjoy it very much. Little snippets from the lives of friends, old and new, help me feel connected in the busy-busy, rush-rush world. I like being able to see the pictures they post of all things important to them. Again, just tiny box-like windows into the lives of those I care about.

I was telling my dear friend, Helen, how at one time I scheduled in a day once a week for connecting with two friends. Life moves so quickly and spans of time pass before you know, so maintaining relationships is often left behind. It is one of those things we tell ourselves we will get to later. We usually don’t get to those kinds of things….

So, knowing myself and my need to be structured if I am to accomplish anything at all, I scheduled in a day to connect with at least two people, be they friend or family, I had not touched base with in a while. It was a good system for me. Facebook now puts me in contact with many people every day. Awesome! The need to reach out to those not on the social networking highway still exists, so I think I will leave that assignment in my weekly routine.

People matter in our lives and are worth the extra effort it takes to nourish and maintain communication. No matter how large your paycheck, it still cannot link arms with you and stand up against the harsh realities of the world, people do that. Our jobs are necessities to provide sustenance and roofs over our heads but cannot lend a shoulder to cry on when your heart is broken. Our vehicles can not hold our hands as we sit in an emergency room waiting to hear if our loved one will be okay. People matter in the times that matter most in our lives. Should we not then pay at least as much attention to them as we do our worldly material possessions and endeavors? I believe we should.

This is not to say we just throw our every thought and emotion out there for all those we know to access. No, there are those people in our inner circle to which we entrust our hopes, fears, dreams and tears. It’s called an inner circle because it is closer to your heart and those inside are there by invitation only. Blessed and fortunate is the man or woman that can count on even one finger someone with which they share their inner circle. Sadly, some never have that treasured relationship. So, protect our inner circle, we shall.

There are still many contributions made into our lives which both enrich and expand our worlds, making life more colorful and meaningful. Friends and family are the contributors and these are the folks I’m writing about today. Just as many pieces of colorful fabric comprise a patchwork quilt; our friends add beauty to our lives. Any blanket can keep you warm but isn’t it nice to see the patterns and colors come together to make a patchwork quilt beautiful? Reach out and contact an old friend today. It will make the day for both of you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quote for the Day

I collect quotes; the ones that strike a chord in me when I read them. I'm sharing one with you this morning. Here it is:

If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it.

Roger Babson(1875-1967, American statistician, columnist)

I don't know if the author was a spiritual man or not but his philosophy certainly applies in a Christian walk, doesn't it?! It's difficult to look at ourselves as the source of our woes when we're so busy pointing at others, the enemy and/or situations.

As a parent, the kids give me all the examples I need (see how I'm talking about their examples & not mine, hehehe). One child or another would come telling some sad, sad tale about how a sibling did them wrong and the first thing I asked was, "What did you do to them?" It made them so mad when I did that! After a bit, we would eventually get around to discovering the action that inspired the assault in the first place. When this was brought into the light, they invariably came back with, " but I was just...(fill in the blank).." Somehow they have justified their own actions but want retribution whacked down on the other person for their heinous crime.

No one likes to own responsibility for the not so wonderful actions, behaviors, attitudes and issues of their life. This is especially true when we KNOW we are not acting as Christ would have us do, yet we spend a great deal of energy listing all the reasons we can't. "....but I was just ...." "...but they..." "...don't have time..." the list goes on and on. We've all been there and said those very things.

The Christian's life should reveal the truth of who Jesus Christ is. In so doing, it can provide a godly example and legacy for future generations. God wants us to invest our lives in ways that bring honor and glory to Him. Doing so, we will also be developing a rich spiritual inheritance to give to others.

Again I ask, what legacy will we leave behind?

“If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it.”

We could leave a better legacy by examining our own hearts and actions honestly; making adjustments to realign with godly principles.

"No matter how pretty it may be, the view through rose colored glasses is neither honest nor accurate. Our actions need to stand up in the clear bright Light that is God."
Connie Lynn Bermea (1953- American Christian writer)

You may quote me on that!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Heart of the Matter

Giving comes in all shapes and sizes. I’m not talking about sizes of the gift but sizes of the giving. To clarify even more, I’m not talking about the cost of the gift when referring to the size but the magnitude of the gift on the heart of the receiver.

Often, we get very practical when deciding on a gift. I have been the both the receiver and giver of underwear in either a Christmas stocking or Easter basket. I can remember as a child thinking this was ‘iffy’ on the scale of gifts. As a practical parent of many, it seemed an opportunity to replenish the stock of necessities. I’ve seen that ‘iffy’ look on my kids faces before. I recognized it immediately.

Sometimes our motivation in gift giving goes askew and we are guilty of giving a gift we want the other person to have. They just don’t know they want it yet, that’s our thinking.

Then every once and a while, we give a gift that touches the receiver’s heart. I believe these gifts are from the heart to the heart. It is one such gift I write about today.

We have an older family member, Flora, in the hospital recovering from a painful hip replacement. She has been through a lot physically in this ordeal but it is her heart we have been concerned about. Not in a health way but in a broken, heart-sick way. Her grown children have been a source of heartache in a time when she needs support and encouragement. We can see the look of pain on her face when she moves about but it is the pain in her voice which has us most concerned.

When the heart is heartsick, the soul and spirit are affected. A phone call the previous evening prompted my husband, John, to go spend time with her the next afternoon after work. Thinking it would cheer her up, he stopped to get her some traditional Hispanic soul food; beans, rice and tacos. While waiting for the food, divine inspiration hit and he made arrangements with a Mariachi musician to walk across the street to the hospital with him and play a few Christian worship songs for Flora. She loves worship music!

Through tears of joy she worshipped openly as this young Believer/musician played. My husband says the young man sang beautifully and reverently. It was evident his talent was a gift from God. Nurses listening outside the door were moved as well. It was a time of praise, prayer and heart healing. This young man ministered to Flora with his music, she ministered to him through prayer. John said it was a beautiful sight to behold.

This was a gift from the heart to the heart!

It may not have been practical like underwear but I believe Flora’s heart is better today for it! I’ve never been more proud of my husband. He touched my heart, too.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Growing Pains

I have been going through a period in my life where I struggle with what can only be described as growing pains. Remember as a child when you’d complain to your parents that your legs hurt, especially at night? Their inevitable reply was that you would ok, it was only growing pains. Not a very satisfactory answer to a kid with hurtful legs but there was some sense of well being in knowing that at least it meant you were getting bigger.

Spiritually, we have growth spurts, too. It’s rather like the shedding of an old skin; somewhat snake like. To allow the growth to take place, we must shed that fleshly nature, layer after layer. As with the growing pains of our youth, this can be a painful process. Not always but decidedly from time to time. Our flesh hangs on to the old familiar ways with tenacity.

When I become aware that I’m dealing with spiritual growing pains again, I have found solace in a book called Joshua. The following paragraph comes from the book. I’ve removed character names and references but left the meat of content:

….We all have to be content with slow progress….Human beings are like plants. They grow in stages and those stages can’t be accelerated. In due time plants bear their fruit, and with human beings it is much the same. In the proper time and at the proper pace we grow into what God intends us to become. Events take place and strangers cross our paths that force us to think. All these things God uses to teach us and suggest a different way of understanding things. So we grow, gradually, imperceptible, under the subtle guidance of God’s own spirit. Being conscious of our success is not important. The left hand shouldn't know what the right hand is doing……

I have read this book at least six times; not as substitute for the Bible but, for me, another reflective source of how I aspire to be more Christ-like. When I am discontent with my personal spiritual growth, unhappy with myself, reading this book helps me align my thoughts back in a more proper order. God’s order, not mine, be done; the cry of my heart.

God shows me mercy but it seems I sometimes have difficulty showing myself any. I’m sharing all this to say, beating yourself up when you don’t feel you measure up is not a part of God’s growing plan. We are never going to be exactly where we aspire to be as long as we walk around in human flesh. It’s the process of the growing, the removal of our old self, the renewing of our minds that is the constant task before us. If we do our part, God is faithful to do His part and grow, we will.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Deliberate Day of Thanksgiving

Ahhh, Friday, my favorite day of the week. Thank you, Lord, for giving me another Friday!

Fridays are my deliberate day of thanksgiving. I give thanks every day but make a point of taking time each Friday to reflect back on the week and list the ways I saw the Lord working in my life. It amazes me to count the little things He does that I might not recognize at the time as His handiwork. That's why I have a ‘deliberate day of thanksgiving.’

While this a wonderful time to acknowledge His works in my life, it's also the time I reflect on MY works that weren't so great; confessing the areas I may have stumbled and fell and acknowledging opportunities to show a more spirit-filled example but didn't.

So, to say it is a bittersweet experience is very accurate. It keeps me honest with myself though. First listing His mercy and handiwork, then confessing my weaknesses and sins, asking for forgiveness is a cleansing, refreshing time.

If you don't have such a specific time for doing that, you might try it and just see how the Lord draws you up close, kisses your wounds and smiles on you. This is one habit I will carry throughout the rest of my life.

Morning Blessings

Have you stepped outside today? Have you seen the morning sky, heard the lovely bird songs, felt the breeze on your face today? The God of all creation has placed before you some pretty awesome sights.

I know how blessed I am to live to where I do. We don't have a fancy house but we have a splendid display of God's creativity right before our eyes. From our vantage point, we see hills in the far distance. The rolling terrain has ponds, pastures, cows munching contently, coyote pups howling in the early morning for their mothers and more birds than I can even count of every description and size. We're on the migration path in the fall for the Monarch butterflies, how cool is that? Wild flowers in every color, shape and size are everywhere. We are surrounded by the majesty of His handiwork! We have cause to praise Him!

The God of all creation, our God, our Master, our Provider, our Healer, our Comforter, our All in All, is worthy of praise simply because he is the Great I AM. Regardless of your schedule today, in spite of how you may be feeling physically, emotionally or spiritually, stop what you are doing and reflect on just how worthy of praise He is. Look around you, Folks, you will see Him in everything.

Yes, I know how blessed we are to live here but if we lived anywhere else, we would be just as blessed because we are created by Him, called by Him, chosen by Him, loved by Him and protected by Him.

So are you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Cross

Let's talk about the sacrifice made at the cross. Many times we prefer to look at the 'pretty' side of being a Christian and ignore the not so pretty aspects of it. When doing that we close our eyes, not only to our own not so pretty attributes, but to the ugliness of what Christ endured for us. There is nothing pretty about crucifixion!!

There are so many preachers, TV evangelist and Christians in general that focus on 'feel good' Christianity. They are popular ministries. We need to live the victorious life Christ sacrificed to give us but not lose sight of the real cost involved.

As missionaries of the Great Commission, we are to take the gospel to people that do not know of Jesus. We tell them of the benefits of Christ in their lives. We would be remiss, however, if we did not explain the depths of the sacrifice He made on our behalf. Sin is ugly and unacceptable to God. We are sinful, therefore, the ugliness is in us. The very blood of Christ pouring from His body as He was beaten, then hung on the cross, is the only thing that covers us from God's vengeance for our sin.

Please take some time to really meditate on that. Maybe in your quiet time at home or the car, anywhere, just do it! How can we NOT love the One that took that beating and excruciating death just for us? It IS personal, very, VERY personal and relevant to your life and faith walk.

The moment you realize Christ would have gone through the same thing even if YOU were the only person involved, the only sinner He was dying for, the only reason for His life on earth and consequent death on the that moment, your heart changes. Your spiritual eyes are opened and you see, really see what His sacrifice meant. Your spiritual ears hear scripture with an understanding you did not have before. All of a sudden, Jesus isn't just some guy in the Bible, He's a walking talking God that allowed Himself to be tortured for you; Christ becomes real.

If Christ is all about feeling good about yourself because you show up at church now and then, you might need to take another trip to the foot of the cross. Think about all this and see where you are. Maybe you've known Christ a while now but the warm fuzzies are all gone and you've slipped into a comfort zone; perhaps you have more passion about what happens in an end zone than you do for Jesus. Some people can get whipped into a frenzy at a sporting event but are appalled and repelled by passion exhibited for the only One worthy of such adoration and honor.

Eternity is a LONG, LONG time......Jesus is the only way you will spend that time in heaven. Hell, well, Hell will keep you so tortured you won't have much time for anything but wishing you knew Jesus.

I'd say I'm sorry for making this so long, but I'm not. My heart aches for everyone to know Jesus intimately. Jesus on the cross may not be pretty like in a holy holiday play but it is THIS Jesus we need to know. If I climb on my soapbox in hopes of reaching someone, even just one, I'll climb on up!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

World Vision

Developing a world vision is looking outside our own lives and focus to see what we can do to serve God in HIS world vision. You don't have to go to a different land to find people seemingly blind to anything but their own habits, customs, mentalities, perspectives and prejudices or in dire need of knowing Jesus. Sometimes it's as close as looking in the mirror. Sometimes it's a co-worker, neighbor, family member or friend. They're everywhere!

People living in spiritual darkness look like every one else. Some push on through life with self-serving priorities. Other people make gods of their job, TV, sports, money, substance abuse, even their children or homes. Many are 'good people' doing humanitarian work.

Ladies and Gentlemen, are your missionary hands reaching out to someone...anyone? Do the words from your lips enlighten or entrap? Do your feet walk for God to help His people in need or do they walk to the mall to spend money on something you can neither afford nor need?

When God becomes your priority, HIS world vision becomes your world vision. If you've been looking at life through tunnel vision of your own perspective, take off the blinders and look at Jesus; the model of how we are to be. You can not KNOW Jesus and live in a spiritual vacuum. You can not KNOW Jesus and NOT want to share that with everyone you come across. People are in pain and darkness all around you.

Expand your vision to encompass God's world vision. Be the light of Jesus that people can see. Give someone hope just by being in the same room with them and letting Jesus shine through you. God created and cares about all people. Jesus reached out and died for all people. We can do our part by first asking God to give us a heart for all people;
that we may see them as He sees them.

Love is universal and eternal when viewed through the eyes of the Creator.

Seeking Wisdom

Scripture is God's primary means of communication. It is both complete and comprehensive in its content. Containing principles that address all areas of life, the Bible is the Father's instruction book for godly living. You cannot maintain the Christian life apart from a steady diet of Scripture.

For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.

I love those words. I love that we have God's written instructions for life right at our fingertips. I love that any issue in our lives can be found in those words. Wisdom is far more valuable than possessions. It's not wrong to pray for 'things' but it's far better to pray for wisdom. Solomon prayed for wisdom and received not only an abundance of wisdom but more 'things' than he could have thought about.

It's not wrong to pray for health but wisdom and knowledge of God's will in caring for your body will serve you a lifetime. God's will for your health does not include doing things like over eating, smoking, excessive drinking, drugs, over working, not sleeping enough, etc. Yet when we indulge in these things and our bodies wear out; then we're in prayer mode ASAP.

Seeking wisdom is not just about your physical health and well being. It's about knowing God's word and will for your life. How can we be obedient to God's will for us if we do not seek it? Obedience delayed is disobedience. If we're not obedient to God's word today but plan to get around to it as soon as _____ (fill in your own blank), then, Child of God, we are being disobedient. God isn't required to cut us some slack just because we don't know His will. We are to seek it, yearn for it, walk in it. Nowhere in scripture will you find a loophole to cover your particular area of disobedience.

Read the scripture again......and again.....and again. Soak it into your heart, mind and spirit. Make today the day you ask for forgiveness for disobedience, repent (commit to making the necessary change), start a fresh new attitude about learning all you can about God's will for your life and praying for wisdom. Beats a new car any day!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Listening Without Hearing

Yesterday I had an occasion to see active non-listening in action. This played out before my eyes while visiting an elderly family member in the hospital. It made an impression on me. My relative is recovering from hip replacement surgery. She’s been in a lot of pain and still needs help with basic needs at this point. She called the nurse in to help facilitate nature’s call. I’m close to this woman, so she told me not to leave the room; thus my front row seat.

The interesting point was that, while doing her job with efficiency and trained skill, the nurse was so determined to follow protocol that she was not listening to the expressed needs of a little elderly woman in pain and urgent need. They were both talking but neither listening to the other. The nurse was verbally running through the correct steps to take thinking this was being heard and understood by her patient. Her patient didn’t give a hoot about protocol and the urgency of her situation was being verbalized though not heard by the nurse. It was all very chaotic; noisy with unheard words, the scene became busy with pointless action.

This was a fine example of listening without hearing.

I’ve come to recognize the moment my Honey ceases to hear me talking. His eyes glaze over and his efforts to stay focused on my face start to falter. Usually this happens if I start talking about paint color choices or anything else related to décor.

When we listen but do not hear, we are cheating all parties involved. We need to listen with our ears and our eyes. Non-verbal communication speaks loudly! We may be missing cues and clues that would take our understanding to new depths. Making eye contact with the speaker shows respect for them and what they are telling you. Nothing builds fences in relationships like people that feel they are not being heard!

Today, take the time to be aware of your listening skills. Watch out for these things:

Are you busy thinking of what you will say next or are you truly focused on what the other person is sharing? No one can really hear the other person if they are actively thinking of a response instead.

Do you interrupt the person speaking to you? This is a sure sign you’re thinking of your reply; interrupting someone says loudly you think your opinion is more important than anything they are saying. That is never conducive to good communication.

Do your eyes scan the room when someone is talking to you instead of looking at them? This shows lack of interest, disrespect and makes that person feel like you are looking for someone you’d rather be talking to than them. No good listening skills going on here.

Can you repeat the meat of the conversation you just had or are the facts fleeing your mind at the speed of light? If you do not know what the other person just told you, you are sadly making no effort.

This can become an issue in interpersonal relationships. That is what made the scene in the hospital room so poignant yesterday. The most important relationship of all is the one we have with God. I think we are guilty, on occasion, of being like that nurse; chattering away in an effort to be correct but not really listening for the voice of God. Too busy to hear what He has to tell us. We think we know what to do and we get about it.

Other times, we can be like my precious relative. We get so caught up in what we perceive as the urgency of our situation we send up harried prayers and cries of need, never stopping long enough to listen for a reply. We know what we want to hear or have happen; we can drown out anything else the Lord may try to do for us.

Ask God to show you where you need help in being an active ‘hearer’; doing more than just passive listening. He’ll do His part but we have to do our part and make a conscience effort to discard old ineffective listening patterns. Monitor yourself, stop in your tracks when you catch yourself acting in old habits. Make an effort to be the best listener you can actually be. You’ll find tuning into other people on purpose helps you tune into God more intuitively as well.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Seeking His Will

We can easily miss God's will for our lives. One way is to not spend time in scripture studying the Word.

Too often, people are familiar with common phrases they assume of scripturally true. For instance, have you heard the saying, 'Money is the root of all evil' or 'God helps those that help themselves'? As for the one on money, it is incomplete as quoted. The actual scripture says, "the love of money is the root of all evil" There is a huge difference!

With the second one, well, it's not in the Bible at all. So, you see how easy it is to get off track of what God's word actually says if you don't read it with an eye for detail. It is dicernment and Holy Spirit revelation that comes from ongoing study, not just the reading that brings understanding and comprehension. There are entire denominations that have taken a part or piece of scripture and made it doctrine. When that happens, the focus is taken off how the scripture is used in context and a light is shined on just the parts people like.

Ask God to give you revelation when you read the Bible, to clarify in your mind what He wants you to get. Understand that as we grow in Christ and knowledge of Scripture, we will be shown more and more. Jesus spoke in parables so the disciples and people could understand what He was talking about. Still, it took His death, resurrection and physical manifestation in front of them before the disciples had any comprehension of His divine nature.

We are no wiser than they. We need to have things spelled out for us and the Holy Spirit in us helps that process along. Still, we have to do our part and stay in the Word; praying that God will give us wisdom and enlightenment so we can better discern His will for our lives.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Enjoying God

I KNOW the meaning of enjoying God in my life; and I have to tell you, nothing brings me more regret than looking back on all the years of my life I wasted before giving my life to God and having that relationship with Him. I honestly don’t know how I survived before then.

My appreciation for the things of glory the Lord sets before me everyday is amplified because of my knowledge of what life was before Him. I see people living lives of desperation; they don’t know Him. They are paranoid about everything and everyone. They see the boogieman behind every bush and around every corner. Blinded by their own limitations and vision, they struggle in every area of their life. I know this because I did this!

Sadly, some people think ‘having fun’ is the same thing as being happy and ‘being happy’ is the same as joy. ‘Having fun’ is what we do to distract ourselves from our realities when our realities are of the world and not in Christ. If we can spin the world fast enough, drink enough alcohol, use enough drugs, spend enough money, we can try to forget we are miserable and headed nowhere as fast as we can run.

Now, that is not to say you can’t ‘have fun’ and be a follower of Christ. Some of most fun times I’ve had have been with Christian brothers and sisters. The difference is, I wasn’t looking to things of the world or flesh for that deep seeded need inside to be filled. Christ filled to it over running.

‘Happy’ is a feeling. Happy feels good. Happy is temporary. Happy can disappear in a flash before your eyes and you’ll never know where it went. THIS is why the Bible tells us not to go by what we feel but by what we KNOW…….and what we know when we have Christ as our Lord and savior is that, no matter what is going on in and around us, He is in control. If He is for us, who can be against us!! THIS makes me happy!

However, it’s the JOY of the Lord that is constant and fulfilling; It warms the very heart of me. My joy is not dependent on me being happy or having fun. My joy is in knowing, loving, serving and enjoying the Lord. I KNOW and therefore ENJOY the Lord and I want everyone else to have that same thing! Sharing what the Lord is in my life brings me joy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Failure Revisited

Ever had one of those days when all around you seem to conspire to make absolutely everything go wrong and against you? Ever had a dream blow up in your face and leave you wondering why and how? Ever made a decision you were confident about only to find out you not only missed the boat, you missed the whole ocean?

We have all walked through the valley of failure. What matters is how we respond: do we give up and live a defeated life, or do we believe God can restore us?

We fail; but we are not a failure. Old satan wants us to see our failures as part of our identity rather than something that has resulted from our actions. In fact, he uses our failures to beat us down and repeatedly tells us just how worthless we are.

But the truth is that we belong to God. He uses our failures to prepare us to be used more greatly by Him. He uses these times in our lives as times of growth. In order for the Lord to mold Peter (in spite of his failures) into the leader of strength and humility he'd soon become, the disciple's heart needed to be purified by being broken. Let's face it, brokenness hurts! We tend to try to avoid pain; but when we build walls around our heart to deny God access, we are resisting much-needed brokenness and healing. If we want God to use us, we must allow Him to get rid of the"junk" that keeps us from reaching our maximum potential to glorify Him.

Amazingly, our failures can be the catalyst that moves us to a whole new vision of what God is doing in our lives. He can use our failures to give us a new beginning along with a renewed understanding of the purpose He has given us.

Read and be encouraged. Pray and be strengthened. Walk in victory in the midst of calamity because you know God is using it to His greater good; when the clouds part, you will once again see the sunshine.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Things We Do

I’ll admit right off the bat; I am a creature of habit. I have ingrained patterns I follow without as much as a thought. If I were an animal, this might be called instinct but as it is, it is just habitual patterns I have created for myself.

For instance, I walk around when I talk on the phone. Even if I happen to be working at the time, I get up from my desk and walk around. Somewhere along the way I decided that I was wasting time and being unproductive if I was on the phone so I started walking in order to be doing something worthwhile. Walking is healthy and I certainly could use more activity in my life. So I walk.

I follow the same path every time. I usually start by walking around the kitchen island, into the living room, down the hall to make a U-turn and back up the hall, around the couches in the middle of the room, past the kitchen going into my bedroom to make another U-turn, back into the kitchen area where I started in the first place. I walk the entire time I’m on the phone. It is not uncommon for me to get winded because of all the walking I do. I don’t measure the length of my calls in minutes; I measure by the stage of breathlessness I reach before I hang up.

I have a friend that gets after me and reminds me to sit down from time to time. My phone walk is not a gentle meandering; it’s walking a fast clip. It’s pointless though. Even if I do sit down I pop back up without even realizing it and start the trek all over again. It’s silly, it’s like my bottom refuses to sit on a chair or the couch as long as the phone is touching my ear. Pavlov’s dog has nothing on me!!!

This morning I called a friend in hopes she might remember a conversation we had previously; I had shared something about which I wanted to write. As we talked, I began my ritualistic jaunt. Somewhere along the way, I lost my coffee cup.

I have a favorite coffee cup I prefer to use every morning…..another habit I might point out. But, like my walking phone conversations, this habit was birthed out of what I considered a logical matter. I had hand surgery last year and this cup is a light weight china cup that is not too heavy for my hand. It has a leopard print all over it, so you would think it would be easy to spot. Not so! I continued the walk as I looked for it. I take the same path every time so I felt confident it would be along the usual route somewhere. After making several rounds, I started getting a bit frustrated. My cup was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t want any more coffee at this point; I just wanted to know what happened to my stinking cup!

I explained my dilemma to my friend and we verbally walked through my route as I looked once more. Then it occurred to me to check in the master bath on that leg of the journey. Lo and behold, there it was on the bathroom counter! I had stopped in on an earlier lap to see if I had something in my eye; consequently, leaving my coffee cup. I had deviated from my routine only slightly and disrupted my habitual pattern. Good heavens! That's sad. Wanting to settle my now stressed mind, I need a cup of my favorite British tea, which I drink out of a favorite china tea cup (Hmmm, see a pattern?) but it's not my normal tea time. Oh, dear, what have I become?

The things we do...........

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Living a Life of Success

How do you measure success? By what standard do you measure? Have you ever taken time to ponder on your reasoning and decision on that standard? Is it rooted in values handed down through culture or traditions? Did you make a conscience choice or adopt what you saw around you? Is it scriptural or worldly? These are important questions worthy of review.

My husband and I had a recent conversation that sparked my interest in sharing and asking these questions. He was talking about his mom and dad being the examples that shaped his work ethic. Not realizing (until that conversation), they also contributed to the shaping of the standard by which he measures success. His mom always had several entrepreneurial projects going in order to help out the family. He admired this, embedding this mentality deep into his value system. Embedded it so deeply that he did not consider himself a success.

Working diligently to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table didn’t seem enough to him. Financial struggles ate away at his sense of success. Bear in mind, he is a pastor, a strong spiritual leader of our home and family, is Spirit-filled and sought after by others to pray for them. He follows after the Lord with all that is in him. Yet, because of that standard of success buried deep within his value system, he viewed himself as not enough.

It is our character, not our abilities or accomplishments, that measure our success. In our goal-oriented driven society, it is easy to lose sight of that spiritual fact. In this area, my husband was being bound by a mentality of which he was unaware. He saw himself through the perceived eyes of his mom’s efforts and accomplishments.

Accomplishments do not equal spiritual success. God wants an internal transformation to take place in us-one where the character qualities of Jesus are made our own. He places great importance on who we are becoming not on what we have accomplished. Worldly success and spiritual success are entirely two different things. Things of this world will pass away but our spiritual successes are the Lord’s doing and will last an eternity.

The ‘light bulb’ moment in that conversation revealed an area my husband needed to work on and has since given over the Lord. We all need to ask God to show us hidden areas in our own standards and values that were shaped by anything other than His word and help us prune them out of our lives. Pruning can be painful but the healthy fruit it produces is worth it. If we are to live by a set of standards, let’s make sure we are making conscious choices that foster spiritual growth and facilitate our decision to be more like Jesus.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Rolling With the Flow

Fresh off of vacation, I’m thankful to be settling back into the more familiar routine of my daily life. The down time was great (except for computer illnesses) and I enjoyed the time with my Honey but somehow I always felt like I was waiting for something. Not sure what, just waiting……..maybe I was waiting to get back to normal. Whatever that is.

I missed the writing most! I just cannot write when my Honey is around. No matter how quiet he tries to be, even if he’s just sitting on a couch minding his own business…my mind’s eye follows him. Accustomed to being alone during the day, just having someone else around is distracting to my writing efforts. Maybe it’s lack of self-discipline on my part. I don’t know, but regardless, I’m happy to be back.

Yesterday was the last official day of vacation. My Honey opted to spend that day in ‘slug mode’. We stayed in our jammies all day, ate when and what we felt like, watched movies, took naps and just reveled in our slugdom. It was good.

Today it felt awesome to don work clothes and shoes and head to the computer. I’m looking forward to productive writing time. I pulled out and dusted off my writing business plan; placed it at eye level on the wall from a sitting at the computer view point. I think we need to remind ourselves from time to time that we have goals to which we aspire, helps us stay on track. However, as I sit here in my home office, I can hear the siren songs of all things needing my attention. Don’t they realize I have on my work shoes? Leave me alone and let me be creative!

Perhaps I am fighting a losing battle this morning. Maybe my mind would be free to write if I were not bogged down by all the nagging “To-Do’s”. Life just requires attention whether we want it to or not. My time may best be served by surrendering MY PLANS and taking care of the business of life today so I can be mentally unencumbered tomorrow. I’ll order the medications; get caught up on laundry, stock the fridge and pantry and just get our home life back on track. That is as much my job as writing.

New plan…..honor today as Transition Day.