10:12-13 And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you
but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to
serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to
observe the LORD’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own
I’ve noticed a new habit developing with my little dog,
Nikos. Every time I take him out to potty, he runs back to his kennel, rushes
in and looks up to me expectantly for a treat. I am, in part, responsible for
this. Since being in his kennel was a habit I was trying to reintroduce after
not using it for some time, I would give him a treat when he went in as
instructed. Now, he expects it every time whether I tell him to or not. It’s no
longer special to get a treat, it’s expected.
Are we like that with God? He, too, blesses us but have we
gotten so casual about it we take it for granted?
I go to church, why
didn’t God answer my prayer?
I give offerings, why
is trouble always hitting me, Lord?
I show up and serve when
others don’t, how come I’m not in a position?
I’m a good person,
bless me!
Like Nikos, have we gotten to a place where we think we
should be rewarded for doing the things we are suppose to do? Has our service
gotten goal-oriented where we are watching for and expecting a specific
blessing; a tit-for-tat mentality with God?
Already we hear more and more people changing churches because
they ‘prefer’ another way to worship. Music is too loud or not fast enough, the
order or length of the service doesn’t suit them, my needs aren’t being met, no
one is friendly to me, and ‘I’m not getting anything out of it’ is a common battle
cry, too. It all boils down to, “Where’s my treat (blessing, acknowledgment) for
showing up?”
When did the focus of worshiping God become all about us
and our personal preferences? Who said we get to dictate the terms anyway? I’m
NOT saying we should stay in a church where the foundational beliefs are not in
line with ours, but when it comes down to choosing where we attend based on
what we get out of it instead of what we put into it, something is out of
whack. Going to church is all about corporate worship of the Lord. People
have made it about personal comfort and preference for themselves.
I have a theory. I think some people only get into the Word
of God on Sundays when in church and expect to get all their ‘learning’ there. If
they don’t learn something, the church is letting them down. Their exposure to
Christian music in limited to Sunday mornings, too, so they feel entitled to
regulate that. They are coming to church expecting to be served, educated and
entertained instead of coming to serve and worship the Lord with all that is in
them. They are sitting at the kennel door looking up in expectancy for their
treat for even showing up.
I think what we have here is a case of ‘the tail wagging the
dog’. Is that really how we think God would have us worship Him?