Bible Verse of the Day

2 Peter 1:5-8

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Riptides of Life

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Romans 8:37 (KJV) Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

If we are alive and breathing, then we are probably facing a struggle. Life in a sin-plagued world is not always a walk in the park. At times, it can seem as though we move from one problem to another. Other times it feels like problems dog-pile on top of us, leaving little breathing room. Often we cause our own troubles. Some of life’s challenges are circumstantial; others are direct attacks from the enemies of God who hate us because we are His children. We encounter criticism, obstacles, and challenges throughout our earthly journey. I went to bed last night, plagued by many problems; I was worn out mentally and emotionally drained.

Yesterday had been a day where all those spiritual enemies listed in the verse above came rushing at me like tsunami. They continued to storm my refuge well into the night. This was all topped off by my computer going blank, a dark screen, no vision, and no light. Staring at the dark screen felt like a material representation of things happening in my life at the moment. I did all those things we do when facing a problem; I stormed around, shared my misery with those who would listen, prayed, begged the Lord for mercy, cried, stormed around some more and wallowed in my tribulations. I felt horrible and oppressed.

When I feel like I’m drowning in troubles and despair, the only thing that keeps me holding on is KNOWING God is not going to let go of me in the riptide of trouble and injustices. I have to rely on what I know rather than what I feel because my human feelings are all over the place and, like I said, I felt horrible and oppressed. Knowing God is there becomes my life preserver. I picture in my mind’s eye an image of His hand holding my head above the surface of the dark waters of tribulation.

Jesus told us in John 16:33, “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” He is in control of the entire universe and He is prepared to defend us against the challenges we confront. He walks on the waters of the tsunamis!

I’d like to tell you that I have so much spiritual maturity that I just sail on through the troubled waters, singing as I go. But I can’t because that would be false. Some troubles rock my boat more than others. All the 'predator troubles' were circling yesterday, drawn in by the blood of a broken heart for the frenzy feeding. Jesus would be sleeping in the back of the boat…I want to be more like Him and less like Peter flailing about as he sunk into the murky waters. I was more like Peter, sad to say. The good news is that God didn’t leave me to be consumed by the predator troubles, understands my times of weakness in spirit, and forgives me in spite of myself.

This morning I woke as usual and stumbled into my office to make the coffee. I laid my hand on my closed computer ~in faith~ and thanked the Lord for its miracle healing and restoration. As the coffeemaker filled the air with the aroma of the nectar of the gods, I rubbed my eyes and open the laptop. I pushed the power button and sat back in my chair. I was amazed as I saw it flicker with little lights dancing on the screen before it popped out in full computer color! I was doing the “Thank you, Jesus!” happy dance before coffee this morning!! I don’t know how God fixes computers but He does! I don’t know how God is going to ‘fix’ my other predator troubles but I know He will. Nothing like a good miracle from the King of Kings first thing in the morning to start your day off right! I, once again, am so very thankful His mercies are fresh every morning. I’m pretty sure I used more than my fair share yesterday.

This morning I feel stronger, like I can swim again. I take with me that image of His hand holding my head above water because I know I will flail about once more. My strength is temporary. His strength, however, is eternal.

May God make you strong and bold, may you not be afraid of the unknown, nor of risks, nor of your enemies - nor the enemies of God, for Adonai your God goes with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you (Deut. 31:6, CJB).

Monday, September 26, 2011

Who Can be Against Us?

Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

I recently read a story a woman told of when she moved to Israel some years ago for ministry. I have a special heart for doing ministry there myself one day, so this was poignant stuff to me. It also touched on some points and issues in my life. That God!!! He just keeps placing the right things in front of us at the right time, doesn’t He?

"Times were tough in Israel at the time and I lived in an area of Jerusalem where bomb threats, bomb squads and bus bombings were commonplace. I found myself constantly looking around, imagining that this person or that person was carrying a bomb and envisioning all the terrible things that could happen to me if they were. The fear was consuming and paralyzing".

This, Friends, is a tactic the enemy just loves to use on those who are called according to God's purposes. For the simple reason when we are afraid, we are distracted from the calling God has on our lives. Though she had a heart to share the good news of Messiah with her people, she was not available to be a blessing to the people around her because she was too busy worrying for her life.

She went on to say, "One day, I had a revelation about this fear. The Lord showed me that I was His child and that if I know He has called me to Israel to accomplish His purposes and I am actively seeking opportunities to accomplish them, even my death would be to His glory. I needed to fear for my physical well being no longer, I was in His hands. Instead, I needed to be concerned with the spiritual well being of the people God put in my path."

God has called us of each to do great things for Him. Let's not be distracted by lies of the enemy saying we are not gifted enough, not able enough, not strong enough, not financially stable enough to go forth and do bold works for the Lord. Let's not let fear be the stumbling block to our serving Him.

Let's ask God for wisdom, the grace and the freedom to be in the right places at the right times and the boldness to speak up for Him! There is no more fulfilling place we can be than this.

May the Lord fill you with the Spirit of God – with skill, ability and knowledge concerning everything He has called you to do (Exod. 31:3, NIV).

Friday, September 23, 2011

Be Both Blessed and a Blessing

Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word appropriately spoken. Proverbs 25:11 (CJB)

Do I believe in the power of blessing? I certainly do. I’m excited because it matters the God we serve is the Author of all blessing. He alone is the Source of blessing and His Word is a vital resource for which there is no substitute. Nothing encourages, nothing soothes, and nothing breathes hope like the Word of God. As we bless with the Holy Scriptures, we are able to
sow the Living Word into the lives of others in order to bring God's blessing upon them and facilitate their transformation into His image.

 May we generously speak blessings so that we might all become instruments of affirmation in God’s hands.

We are wrapping up this study today with…what else(?)…blessings. I’m including examples of different blessings as a reference/starting point for all who are interested in developing the practice of speaking blessings into the lives of others and need ‘training wheels’ to start. The Holy Spirit will guide you and you certainly have the Bible as your ‘instruction manual’ so I have no doubt the training wheels won’t be needed for long. You’ll be blessed by blessing others, a win-win new lifestyle!   

Author’s Note

I just spent the better part of two hours researching and compiling a list of blessings to share. Then it hit me, by simply sending out a list of prepared blessings, I was cheating anyone who simply used the list and did not spend time in the Word. I was swimming in it, feeling encouraged by it and buoyed by His words touching my heart and spirit. I NEEDED to hear and read most of them for myself this morning, and He blessed me for seeking them out.

I decided I could not take that same anointing from anyone else, so I will not be copying the list here this morning. You, my Friend, must make your own journey and treasure hunt knowing the Lord will lead you to the Scripture He wants you to read and apply into the your life as well as the one you speak a blessing over. I leave you with these words…

May you be blessed with a heart that causes you to seek the good of your people and may you become one who speaks for the welfare of his family/community/church/nation (Esther 10:3).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Go and Do Thou Likewise!

May you be confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)

‘Laying on of Hands’ has been known to raise a few eyebrows and even the ire of some. Many believe it to be a practice by those that tend to get ‘carried away’ and unsophisticated in church behavior. Many years ago a friend moving to my area visited my home church at the time. I asked her later how she felt about the service. I had been encouraged and felt an anointing fell over the service and was so excited my friend happened to be visiting that day! She said she preferred a service with “less audience participation.” Different strokes for different folks, I guess, but laying on of hands is a Biblically sound practice. Let’s look at it!   

When possible, I like to lay one, or both, hands on the head, shoulder, or back of a person as I bless them. This “laying on of hands” follows an example we find throughout Scripture. In Genesis chapter 27, Jacob disguised himself to “feel” like his brother when Isaac touched him and thereby received Esau’s blessing. When Israel (Jacob) blessed Joseph’s sons (Genesis 48), he crossed his hands so that he could bless Ephraim, the younger one, with his right hand, and he placed his left hand on Manasseh, even though he was the firstborn. Moses laid his hands on Joshua when he commissioned him before Eleazar the high priest and before the entire congregation, just as the Lord had instructed him (Num. 27:23).

In Matthew 19:13 (and Mark 10:16), we see that Jesus laid His hands upon the children as He blessed them. Jesus also laid His hands on the sick and healed them (Mark 6:5 & 8:23-25, Luke 4:40 & 13:13). The “chosen seven” (Deacons) who were selected to assist the apostles were ordained with the laying on of hands (Acts 6:6). In Acts 8:17, Peter and John laid their hands on the new Samaritan believers that they might Imparting Blessings and receive the Holy Spirit. The Lord directed Ananias to lay hands on Saul, blinded from his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, so that he might regain his sight (Acts 9:12). Paul and Barnabas were dedicated for their first missionary journey with the laying on of hands (Acts 13:3). And in 2 Timothy 1:6, Paul reminded Timothy to “kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (NASB).

Whenever possible, the impartation of blessing accompanied by the laying on of hands permits us to follow a Biblical pattern established by the Patriarchs, the Apostles, and the Master Himself. Go and do thou likewise!

A good place to start is with those who are closest to you. As an example, years ago when some of the grandchildren lived here, a blessing was spoken over them on a weekly basis. It was awkward for them at first but they grew to look forward to it and rushed to get in line first. Donovan, as many of you know, had a loud, booming voice and talked a great deal...okay, he talked all the time he was not asleep! While it could be out of place a lot of the time, a blessings over him would go, "May the Lord use the gift of communication He has bestowed on you to reach every tongue and nation with the Gospel so all may know of His love, mercy and grace."

Ask the Lord to show you what blessings He would like you to share on His behalf. As we discussed in an earlier post, adapt the blessings from the words of scripture as you speak them. I like to personalize a blessing by inserting the name of the person to whom I am speaking. The important thing is to be led by the Spirit. Trust that you hear Him as He guides you.

Remember, as a priest of the Most High God, you are speaking the blessing of His Word over people in order to bring His blessing upon them. As an ambassador of the King of Kings, you are speaking the King’s language to communicate on His behalf. We can never be more confident of our alignment with God than when we are speaking His own Word.

May you develop a life-style of blessing as you impact others’ lives with the language of God!

May the Lord instruct you and teach you in the way you are to go. Be confident because He will give you counsel and His eyes will be watching you. ~ Psalm 32:8 (CJB) ~

May you be confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. ~ Philippians 1:6 (NKJV) ~