I’m having one of those days when all you want to do is crawl back in bed and pull the covers over your head. Nothing in my world is lining up right. It started out waiting in anticipation for that first cup of coffee, the nectar of the gods. I did my motherly morning duties for the dogs while I waited. Ah, now cup in hand I can jump start my very busy day. Wrong! Bringing my cup of obviously steaming coffee to my lips for a tentative sip, I was dismayed to find it was only lukewarm. Ekk! The deceptive steam was a product of the cold morning air hitting the lukewarm coffee. I poured it back in the coffeemaker and pour another before heading to my desk to find my internet is down…again! This occupied me for a bit because I need the internet working so I can send out the blog. My internet server has not, is not doing a very good job in the consistency department. This tends to raise my stress level on a regular basis. Living in the area we do has limited our choices of high speed internet providers to…oh, this one. Of course!
I have a family member having surgery this morning. I wanted to call for a ‘love you & praying for you’ time before the surgery but the phone number I needed for the hospital is in an email on my computer that I can not access. Of course!
I decided that maybe, just maybe, the phone number was in my caller ID from previous conversations. I reached for the closest phone only to find the screen blank. I went for the next phone, we have three. Same thing, punch buttons till your fingers fall off and nothing. Blank screen. Tracking down the third phone I discovered the same irritating problem! And, yes, men folk, the phones were in their charging cradles. This is not new, but an ongoing issue with our lousy phones. They are not old phones, no; these are our latest new phones. If I had a dollar for every time I have clutched one of these phones in both hands trying to strangle it as I shook it to the now familiar tune of “I hate these phones!” I could buy more but what would be the point? These ARE the newest in a long line of phones, these are not cheap phones but they are just as lousy as the less expensive ones. Of course!
Deciding to make the most of the time sans internet and phones, I proceeded to move into the kitchen to take my meds and make a small repast. Once in the fridge my mouth sent my hand straight to the cold baked potato tempting me from the top shelf. I was practically drooling. I had visions of an egg draped over the steaming baked potato like a fur coat. My brain interceded and made my hand grab a carrot instead of the potato as my fantasy faded. Meatless meat, sautéed carrot and a farm fresh cage free egg now on the menu, I noticed that my computer was back online. I rushed over excitedly while the meatless meat was cooking and tried eagerly to bring my email up…maybe there was still time to make the “love you & praying for you” call….see how quickly I forgot the stinking phones weren’t working? Sad, huh? It was of no avail because the little blue light that indicates the computer is online was lying anyway! Yep, the cruelest trick of all; makes me THINK I can get online but nooooooooo! Meanwhile, sitting with head hung down in contained frustration, I realized I was very close to burning my meatless meat! Ekk! Of course, what else would fit my morning? Back to the kitchen I go.
Once breakfast was behind me I sundered back to the computer because there was no need to rush…but to my hesitant surprise, the blue was on once more. It let me get online so I thought things were looking up. It did not let me pull up my email. Of course!
Finally after ten different tries, I was able to see the number I was so anxious to get. I picked up the phone and was delighted to see the face of the screen. I quickly and thankfully placed the call to the far away hospital and my beloved family member. Finally reaching that familiar voice my hopes of being supportive and reassuring were dashed again….he’s old, lost some hearing, couldn’t hear a word I said. Of course!
The entire time it has taken me to write this the little blue demon light on my router has continued to blink and wink at me. It’s NOT supposed to do that. It is taunting me, letting me know it decides if I get to send this, not me! This might all have been taken in stride much more easily if I had been allowed my daily dose of caffeine. To this point I have not had a complete cup of coffee. While it has been left alone as I dashed to and fro between kitchen and computer only to get cold over and over I have had to accept the coffeemaker is on its last leg and is just not able to perform as it should and will need to be replaced…..again! Of course!
There is good news for today, however. Our son, Daniel, and his precious baby daughter, Madielynn, are coming to dinner tonight. The sun is brightly shining albeit windy and chilly. God is still on the throne today and forever just as He has been for eternity and all my worldly troubles of this morning fade into oblivion as I nestle down in the comfort and security of His hand. Troubles, my Friends, can only bother us and have power over us IF we let them. Since He is for us, who or what can stand against us? Nothing of consequence! Of course!